Damaged, discolored and unlit
Wave glider C34167NS transiting from:
44 27.322N 063 30.103W to 44 23.837N 063 29.328W to 44 23.353N 063 26.006W to 44 23.665N 063 21.505W
The wave glider is remotely operated, moving at a speed of approximately 1.5 knots and measuring 3.048 metres by 0.762 metres. Wave glider C34167NS is copper in colour and equiped with a non-transmitting AIS receiver and a mast extending 0.914 metres above the surface of the water, supporting a solid white light and orange flag. For further information, authorities and mariners may contact Matthew Mar at 647-205-0828, or Liquid Robotics Wave Glider Operations Centre at +1 888-574-4574 or 408-636-4205.
An ODAS buoy has been deployed in the Strait of Georgia at 49 43.911N 124 46.511W.
Fl (5) Y 20s.
An autonomous wave glider will be deployed off the West Coast of Vancouver Island, southern half.
The glider is 3 meters in length with instruments extending 1 meter high.
The glider will be on station from 2200 UTC 05 September to 09 October.
Damaged, discolored
Shallow depths reported: 78 55.053N 086 37.132W 2.3m 78 54.248N 086 35.827W 5.9m 78 53.993N 086 37.847W 15.0m
Depths are reduced to CHS Chart Datum.
Shallow depth reported, 8.9m.
Established in 47 54.356N 064 39.589W. Buoy is red and equipped with a red lantern with the following flash characteristics: Flash 0.3 seconds, Eclipse 0.7 seconds.
Approximately twenty unidentified pink buoys reported in the vicinity of 46 54.621N 070 51.340W.
The Ship Channel bridge at 43 38.476N 079 20.940W is in the down position.
Established in 47 52.943N 064 31.091W. Buoy is red and unlit.
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