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Navigational Warnings (NAVWARNs) replace Notices to Shipping (NOTSHIPs) and shall be construed as Notices to Shipping
Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Shipping Safety Control Zone 7
2020-09-04 17:42 UTC

During a recent hydrographic survey aboard the CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier, CHS found these depths which are shallower than charted at the following locations.  

Latitude (N)     Longitude  (W)     Depth (metres)

68 34.136        095 44.777         13.8

68 34.066        095 45.264         14.7

Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Gulf - Magdalen - south - North Lake, PEI
2020-09-04 13:51 UTC

The channel at North Lake, P.E.I. has infilled with sand making navigation difficult. Caution.

Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - BC Inland Waterways and Lakes
2020-09-04 01:10 UTC

Unmarked netting attached to an Anchor Block in the vicintiy of 49 53.667N 119 30.133W


Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
2020-08-11 14:59 UTC

The fresh water hose that runs across the bottom of Tuktoyaktuk harbour is floating to the surface at 69 26.450N 132 57.650W.

Cancels NW-A-0069-20
Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Northumberland Strait - Shediac
2020-08-07 15:33 UTC

Abandoned mast and sail marked with a white buoy and a lifejacket in 46 13.963N 064 31.841W. Caution.

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Southwestern Shore - St. Margaret’s Bay
2020-08-05 16:08 UTC

Hazard to navigation reported between Moser Island and Troop Island, in St. Margaret’s Bay. A large black ball reported under the surface dragging on the seafloor, and a smaller black buoy showing above the surface. Caution.

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Fundy - Grand Lake
2020-08-04 13:18 UTC

A misplaced buoy is partially submerged in Grand Lake in position 45 53.86N 066 04.55W.

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Kingston to Cornwall - Beaurivage Island
2020-08-03 10:23 UTC

Anchor and chain lost in 44 18.160N 076 11.078W.

Cancels NW-C-1347-20
Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Northumberland Strait - Cape Egmont, PEI
2020-07-31 18:41 UTC

The channel at Egmont Bay South, P.E.I. has infilled with sand making navigation difficult. Caution.

Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Eastern Shore - Andrew Island
2020-07-27 13:27 UTC


Aids: Black Island red spar buoy PN2
Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Northeast Coast
2020-07-15 18:54 UTC

Submerged buoy mooring located in vicinity of 49 44.013N 054 09.923W. Caution.

Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Southwestern Shore - Liverpool, N.S.
2020-07-15 17:54 UTC

Possible hazards located during a hydrographic survey in vicinity of Liverpool, N.S.

Depths in metres, below chart datum. Horizontal positions based on NAD83.

 Latitude                    Longitude                 Depth (fathoms - feet)

44 08.293N                064 30.530W             1


Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Shipping Safety Control Zone 14
2020-07-10 12:46 UTC

The canadian hyrdrographic service found the following depths less than charted in Hudson Strait area.

62 22.94N 078 14.02W at a depth of 24 fathoms

62 22.77N 078 15.49W at a depth of 25 fathoms. 

Cancels NW-A-0034-20
Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Fourchu - Canso, N.S.
2020-07-07 21:22 UTC

Tickle Bridge has collapsed into Canso Tickle. The waterway is not safe for navigation.

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - South Coast
2020-07-07 14:52 UTC

Turbidity curtain deployed in Blue Beach Cove in approximate position 46 54.155N 055 23.058W and is marked with five orange buoys. Caution.

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Southwestern Shore - Betty Island
2020-07-05 17:48 UTC

Unmarked fishing gear reported off Betty Island.

Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Boundary Bay
2020-07-04 23:46 UTC

Partially submerged vessel anchored in Boundary Bay located at 49 01.210N 122 56.620W. 


Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Strait of Belle Isle
2020-06-26 14:22 UTC

Buoy submerged in the vicinity of 51 36.100N 055 27.451W.


Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Chaleur - Miscou - south - Miramichi
2020-05-25 16:48 UTC

Changed from Flash 0.3 seconds Eclipse 0.7 seconds to Flash 0.5 seconds Eclipse 3.5 seconds.

Aids: Miramichi Outer Bar light buoy M4 LL 1171
Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Strait of Georgia
2020-05-24 19:44 UTC

Submerged sailing vessel, with mast 2 feet out of the water, reported in the vicinity of comox harbour, located at 49 40.173N 124 55.986W. 


Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
ID Date Title Areas Charts Description
Areas affected by the message
68° 34.136'N 095° 44.777'W
68° 34.066'N 095° 45.264'W
2020-09-04 17:42 UTC Waterway information Shipping Safety Control Zone 7 7787(NAD83), 7788(NAD83)

During a recent hydrographic survey aboard the CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier, CHS found these depths which are shallower than charted at the following locations.  

Latitude (N)     Longitude  (W)     Depth (metres)

68 34.136        095 44.777         13.8

68 34.066        095 45.264         14.7

Areas affected by the message
46° 28.117'N 062° 04.100'W
2020-09-04 13:51 UTC Waterway information Gulf - Magdalen - south - North Lake, PEI 4403(NAD83)

The channel at North Lake, P.E.I. has infilled with sand making navigation difficult. Caution.

Areas affected by the message
49° 53.667'N 119° 30.133'W
2020-09-04 01:10 UTC Waterway information BC Inland Waterways and Lakes 3052(NAD83), 3052(NAD83)

Unmarked netting attached to an Anchor Block in the vicintiy of 49 53.667N 119 30.133W


Areas affected by the message
69° 26.450'N 132° 57.650'W
2020-08-11 14:59 UTC Obstruction Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 7685(WGS84)

The fresh water hose that runs across the bottom of Tuktoyaktuk harbour is floating to the surface at 69 26.450N 132 57.650W.

Cancels NW-A-0069-20
Areas affected by the message
46° 13.963'N 064° 31.841'W
2020-08-07 15:33 UTC Obstruction Northumberland Strait - Shediac 4909(NAD83)

Abandoned mast and sail marked with a white buoy and a lifejacket in 46 13.963N 064 31.841W. Caution.

Areas affected by the message
44° 35.162'N 063° 55.801'W
Pt 1: 44° 35.465'N 063° 55.900'W
Pt 2: 44° 35.307'N 063° 55.439'W
Pt 3: 44° 34.878'N 063° 55.686'W
Pt 4: 44° 34.990'N 063° 56.165'W
2020-08-05 16:08 UTC Obstruction Southwestern Shore - St. Margaret’s Bay 4386(NAD83)

Hazard to navigation reported between Moser Island and Troop Island, in St. Margaret’s Bay. A large black ball reported under the surface dragging on the seafloor, and a smaller black buoy showing above the surface. Caution.

Areas affected by the message
45° 53.860'N 066° 04.550'W
2020-08-04 13:18 UTC Obstruction Fundy - Grand Lake 4142(NAD83), 4142(NAD83), 4142(NAD83)

A misplaced buoy is partially submerged in Grand Lake in position 45 53.86N 066 04.55W.

Areas affected by the message
44° 18.160'N 076° 11.078'W
2020-08-03 10:23 UTC Obstruction Kingston to Cornwall - Beaurivage Island 1438(WGS84)

Anchor and chain lost in 44 18.160N 076 11.078W.

Cancels NW-C-1347-20
Areas affected by the message
46° 24.470'N 064° 08.077'W
2020-07-31 18:41 UTC Waterway information Northumberland Strait - Cape Egmont, PEI 4406(NAD83)

The channel at Egmont Bay South, P.E.I. has infilled with sand making navigation difficult. Caution.

Areas affected by the message
45° 16.652'N 060° 58.035'W
2020-07-27 13:27 UTC Aids to Navigation Eastern Shore - Andrew Island 4301(WGS84), 4301(WGS84)


Aids: Black Island red spar buoy PN2
Areas affected by the message
49° 44.013'N 054° 09.923'W
2020-07-15 18:54 UTC Obstruction Northeast Coast 4861(NAD83)

Submerged buoy mooring located in vicinity of 49 44.013N 054 09.923W. Caution.

Areas affected by the message
44° 08.293'N 064° 30.530'W
2020-07-15 17:54 UTC Waterway information Southwestern Shore - Liverpool, N.S. 4211(NAD83)

Possible hazards located during a hydrographic survey in vicinity of Liverpool, N.S.

Depths in metres, below chart datum. Horizontal positions based on NAD83.

 Latitude                    Longitude                 Depth (fathoms - feet)

44 08.293N                064 30.530W             1


Areas affected by the message
62° 22.940'N 078° 14.020'W
62° 22.770'N 078° 15.490'W
2020-07-10 12:46 UTC Waterway information Shipping Safety Control Zone 14 5412(NAD83)

The canadian hyrdrographic service found the following depths less than charted in Hudson Strait area.

62 22.94N 078 14.02W at a depth of 24 fathoms

62 22.77N 078 15.49W at a depth of 25 fathoms. 

Cancels NW-A-0034-20
Areas affected by the message
45° 20.400'N 061° 00.933'W
2020-07-07 21:22 UTC Obstruction Fourchu - Canso, N.S. 4281(NAD83)

Tickle Bridge has collapsed into Canso Tickle. The waterway is not safe for navigation.

Areas affected by the message
46° 54.155'N 055° 23.058'W
2020-07-07 14:52 UTC Obstruction South Coast 4642(NAD83)

Turbidity curtain deployed in Blue Beach Cove in approximate position 46 54.155N 055 23.058W and is marked with five orange buoys. Caution.

Areas affected by the message
44° 25.800'N 063° 45.570'W
2020-07-05 17:48 UTC Obstruction Southwestern Shore - Betty Island 4385(NAD83)

Unmarked fishing gear reported off Betty Island.

Areas affected by the message
49° 01.210'N 122° 56.620'W
2020-07-04 23:46 UTC Waterway information Boundary Bay 3463(NAD83)

Partially submerged vessel anchored in Boundary Bay located at 49 01.210N 122 56.620W. 


Areas affected by the message
51° 36.100'N 055° 27.451'W
2020-06-26 14:22 UTC Obstruction Strait of Belle Isle 4512(NAD83)

Buoy submerged in the vicinity of 51 36.100N 055 27.451W.


Areas affected by the message
47° 05.917'N 064° 56.900'W
2020-05-25 16:48 UTC Aids to Navigation Chaleur - Miscou - south - Miramichi 4911(NAD83)

Changed from Flash 0.3 seconds Eclipse 0.7 seconds to Flash 0.5 seconds Eclipse 3.5 seconds.

Aids: Miramichi Outer Bar light buoy M4 LL 1171
Areas affected by the message
49° 40.173'N 124° 55.986'W
2020-05-24 19:44 UTC Waterway information Strait of Georgia 3527(NAD83)

Submerged sailing vessel, with mast 2 feet out of the water, reported in the vicinity of comox harbour, located at 49 40.173N 124 55.986W. 


Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
ID Date Title Areas Charts Description
NW-A-0130-20 2020-09-04 17:42 UTC Waterway information Shipping Safety Control Zone 7 7787(NAD83), 7788(NAD83)

During a recent hydrographic survey aboard the CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier, CHS found these depths which are shallower than charted at the following locations.  

Latitude (N)     Longitude  (W)     Depth (metres)

68 34.136        095 44.777         13.8

68 34.066        095 45.264         14.7

NW-M-1677-20 2020-09-04 13:51 UTC Waterway information Gulf - Magdalen - south - North Lake, PEI 4403(NAD83)

The channel at North Lake, P.E.I. has infilled with sand making navigation difficult. Caution.

NW-P-1126-20 2020-09-04 01:10 UTC Waterway information BC Inland Waterways and Lakes 3052(NAD83), 3052(NAD83)

Unmarked netting attached to an Anchor Block in the vicintiy of 49 53.667N 119 30.133W


NW-A-0088-20 2020-08-11 14:59 UTC Obstruction Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 7685(WGS84)

The fresh water hose that runs across the bottom of Tuktoyaktuk harbour is floating to the surface at 69 26.450N 132 57.650W.

Cancels NW-A-0069-20
NW-M-1373-20 2020-08-07 15:33 UTC Obstruction Northumberland Strait - Shediac 4909(NAD83)

Abandoned mast and sail marked with a white buoy and a lifejacket in 46 13.963N 064 31.841W. Caution.

NW-M-1360-20 2020-08-05 16:08 UTC Obstruction Southwestern Shore - St. Margaret’s Bay 4386(NAD83)

Hazard to navigation reported between Moser Island and Troop Island, in St. Margaret’s Bay. A large black ball reported under the surface dragging on the seafloor, and a smaller black buoy showing above the surface. Caution.

NW-M-1346-20 2020-08-04 13:18 UTC Obstruction Fundy - Grand Lake 4142(NAD83), 4142(NAD83), 4142(NAD83)

A misplaced buoy is partially submerged in Grand Lake in position 45 53.86N 066 04.55W.

NW-C-1348-20 2020-08-03 10:23 UTC Obstruction Kingston to Cornwall - Beaurivage Island 1438(WGS84)

Anchor and chain lost in 44 18.160N 076 11.078W.

Cancels NW-C-1347-20
NW-M-1334-20 2020-07-31 18:41 UTC Waterway information Northumberland Strait - Cape Egmont, PEI 4406(NAD83)

The channel at Egmont Bay South, P.E.I. has infilled with sand making navigation difficult. Caution.

NW-M-1302-20 2020-07-27 13:27 UTC Aids to Navigation Eastern Shore - Andrew Island 4301(WGS84), 4301(WGS84)


Aids: Black Island red spar buoy PN2
NW-N-0828-20 2020-07-15 18:54 UTC Obstruction Northeast Coast 4861(NAD83)

Submerged buoy mooring located in vicinity of 49 44.013N 054 09.923W. Caution.

NW-M-1210-20 2020-07-15 17:54 UTC Waterway information Southwestern Shore - Liverpool, N.S. 4211(NAD83)

Possible hazards located during a hydrographic survey in vicinity of Liverpool, N.S.

Depths in metres, below chart datum. Horizontal positions based on NAD83.

 Latitude                    Longitude                 Depth (fathoms - feet)

44 08.293N                064 30.530W             1


NW-A-0035-20 2020-07-10 12:46 UTC Waterway information Shipping Safety Control Zone 14 5412(NAD83)

The canadian hyrdrographic service found the following depths less than charted in Hudson Strait area.

62 22.94N 078 14.02W at a depth of 24 fathoms

62 22.77N 078 15.49W at a depth of 25 fathoms. 

Cancels NW-A-0034-20
NW-M-1152-20 2020-07-07 21:22 UTC Obstruction Fourchu - Canso, N.S. 4281(NAD83)

Tickle Bridge has collapsed into Canso Tickle. The waterway is not safe for navigation.

NW-N-0806-20 2020-07-07 14:52 UTC Obstruction South Coast 4642(NAD83)

Turbidity curtain deployed in Blue Beach Cove in approximate position 46 54.155N 055 23.058W and is marked with five orange buoys. Caution.

NW-M-1140-20 2020-07-05 17:48 UTC Obstruction Southwestern Shore - Betty Island 4385(NAD83)

Unmarked fishing gear reported off Betty Island.

NW-P-0879-20 2020-07-04 23:46 UTC Waterway information Boundary Bay 3463(NAD83)

Partially submerged vessel anchored in Boundary Bay located at 49 01.210N 122 56.620W. 


NW-N-0757-20 2020-06-26 14:22 UTC Obstruction Strait of Belle Isle 4512(NAD83)

Buoy submerged in the vicinity of 51 36.100N 055 27.451W.


NW-M-0817-20 2020-05-25 16:48 UTC Aids to Navigation Chaleur - Miscou - south - Miramichi 4911(NAD83)

Changed from Flash 0.3 seconds Eclipse 0.7 seconds to Flash 0.5 seconds Eclipse 3.5 seconds.

Aids: Miramichi Outer Bar light buoy M4 LL 1171
NW-P-0760-20 2020-05-24 19:44 UTC Waterway information Strait of Georgia 3527(NAD83)

Submerged sailing vessel, with mast 2 feet out of the water, reported in the vicinity of comox harbour, located at 49 40.173N 124 55.986W. 


Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
ID Date Charts Title
NW-A-0130-20 2020-09-04 17:42 UTC 7787(NAD83), 7788(NAD83) Waterway information

During a recent hydrographic survey aboard the CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier, CHS found these depths which are shallower than charted at the following locations.  

Latitude (N)     Longitude  (W)     Depth (metres)

68 34.136        095 44.777         13.8

68 34.066        095 45.264         14.7

NW-M-1677-20 2020-09-04 13:51 UTC 4403(NAD83) Waterway information

The channel at North Lake, P.E.I. has infilled with sand making navigation difficult. Caution.

NW-P-1126-20 2020-09-04 01:10 UTC 3052(NAD83), 3052(NAD83) Waterway information

Unmarked netting attached to an Anchor Block in the vicintiy of 49 53.667N 119 30.133W


NW-A-0088-20 2020-08-11 14:59 UTC 7685(WGS84) Obstruction

The fresh water hose that runs across the bottom of Tuktoyaktuk harbour is floating to the surface at 69 26.450N 132 57.650W.

Cancels NW-A-0069-20
NW-M-1373-20 2020-08-07 15:33 UTC 4909(NAD83) Obstruction

Abandoned mast and sail marked with a white buoy and a lifejacket in 46 13.963N 064 31.841W. Caution.

NW-M-1360-20 2020-08-05 16:08 UTC 4386(NAD83) Obstruction

Hazard to navigation reported between Moser Island and Troop Island, in St. Margaret’s Bay. A large black ball reported under the surface dragging on the seafloor, and a smaller black buoy showing above the surface. Caution.

NW-M-1346-20 2020-08-04 13:18 UTC 4142(NAD83), 4142(NAD83), 4142(NAD83) Obstruction

A misplaced buoy is partially submerged in Grand Lake in position 45 53.86N 066 04.55W.

NW-C-1348-20 2020-08-03 10:23 UTC 1438(WGS84) Obstruction

Anchor and chain lost in 44 18.160N 076 11.078W.

Cancels NW-C-1347-20
NW-M-1334-20 2020-07-31 18:41 UTC 4406(NAD83) Waterway information

The channel at Egmont Bay South, P.E.I. has infilled with sand making navigation difficult. Caution.

NW-M-1302-20 2020-07-27 13:27 UTC 4301(WGS84), 4301(WGS84) Aids to Navigation


Aids: Black Island red spar buoy PN2
NW-N-0828-20 2020-07-15 18:54 UTC 4861(NAD83) Obstruction

Submerged buoy mooring located in vicinity of 49 44.013N 054 09.923W. Caution.

NW-M-1210-20 2020-07-15 17:54 UTC 4211(NAD83) Waterway information

Possible hazards located during a hydrographic survey in vicinity of Liverpool, N.S.

Depths in metres, below chart datum. Horizontal positions based on NAD83.

 Latitude                    Longitude                 Depth (fathoms - feet)

44 08.293N                064 30.530W             1


NW-A-0035-20 2020-07-10 12:46 UTC 5412(NAD83) Waterway information

The canadian hyrdrographic service found the following depths less than charted in Hudson Strait area.

62 22.94N 078 14.02W at a depth of 24 fathoms

62 22.77N 078 15.49W at a depth of 25 fathoms. 

Cancels NW-A-0034-20
NW-M-1152-20 2020-07-07 21:22 UTC 4281(NAD83) Obstruction

Tickle Bridge has collapsed into Canso Tickle. The waterway is not safe for navigation.

NW-N-0806-20 2020-07-07 14:52 UTC 4642(NAD83) Obstruction

Turbidity curtain deployed in Blue Beach Cove in approximate position 46 54.155N 055 23.058W and is marked with five orange buoys. Caution.

NW-M-1140-20 2020-07-05 17:48 UTC 4385(NAD83) Obstruction

Unmarked fishing gear reported off Betty Island.

NW-P-0879-20 2020-07-04 23:46 UTC 3463(NAD83) Waterway information

Partially submerged vessel anchored in Boundary Bay located at 49 01.210N 122 56.620W. 


NW-N-0757-20 2020-06-26 14:22 UTC 4512(NAD83) Obstruction

Buoy submerged in the vicinity of 51 36.100N 055 27.451W.


NW-M-0817-20 2020-05-25 16:48 UTC 4911(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Changed from Flash 0.3 seconds Eclipse 0.7 seconds to Flash 0.5 seconds Eclipse 3.5 seconds.

Aids: Miramichi Outer Bar light buoy M4 LL 1171
NW-P-0760-20 2020-05-24 19:44 UTC 3527(NAD83) Waterway information

Submerged sailing vessel, with mast 2 feet out of the water, reported in the vicinity of comox harbour, located at 49 40.173N 124 55.986W. 


Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.
Showing results 1,601 to 1,620, from 1,777 total results.

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