Search for NAVWARNs

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Navigational Warnings (NAVWARNs) replace Notices to Shipping (NOTSHIPs) and shall be construed as Notices to Shipping
Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Lake Huron - Kincardine
2024-06-02 20:31 UTC

Yellow race markers placed by the Kincardine Yacht Club at:

A - 44 10.267N 081 38.950W
B - 44 10.955N 081 40.396W
C - 44 10.669N 081 40.803W
D - 44 10.418N 081 39.255W

Markers are equipped with reflective tape and marked "KYC".

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Kingston to Cornwall - Ash Island
2024-06-01 18:08 UTC

Plastic jug marking the shipwreck "Ash Island barge" replaced with a privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy at 44 21.487N 075 59.803W.  

Cancels NW-C-2039-22
Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Kingston to Cornwall - Rockport
2024-06-01 18:08 UTC

White jugs marking the shipwreck "Kinghorn" replaced by two orange and white mooring buoys at 44 22.605N 075 55.840W and 44 22.616N 075 55.820W.

Cancels NW-C-2038-22
Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Lake Erie - Point Pelee
2024-05-31 22:41 UTC

The following scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Spar 62
41 55.289N 082 11.012W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector.

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Lake Ontario - Hamilton Harbour
2024-05-31 22:14 UTC

The following scientific moorings have been temporarily established:

Spar 52
43 18.333N 079 49.200W

Spar 90
43 17.200N 079 47.733W

The moorings are marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector. As well as a red float at the following locations:

Spar 52 Float
43 18.317N 079 49.250W

Spar 90 Float
43 17.150N 079 47.700W

Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Lake Ontario - Bronte
2024-05-31 13:55 UTC

Race markers temporarily established by the Bronte Harbour Yacht Club at:

43 23.544N 079 39.969W
43 23.090N 079 42.016W
43 23.078N 079 41.879W

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Lake Ontario - Cobourg
2024-05-31 13:36 UTC

The following scientific moorings have been temporarily established:

Spar 89
43 57.20N 078 03.02W

Spar 99
43 55.23N 078 02.97W

The mooring are marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector. As well as a red float at the following locations:

Spar 89 Float
43 57.20N 078 02.97W

Spar 99 Float
43 55.23N 078 02.87W

Stay clear 100 metres.


Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Lake Erie - Long Point
2024-05-31 01:36 UTC

The following scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Buoy 12-1
42 34.918N 079 55.851W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Lake Erie - Evans Point
2024-05-31 01:36 UTC

The following scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Buoy 17-5
42 47.499N 079 45.963W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - North Channel - Sheshegwaning
2024-05-30 16:33 UTC

Uncharted aquacultural site reported in positions:

45 56.799N 082 48.659W
45 56.565N 082 48.998W

Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Lake Ontario - Kingston
2024-05-30 12:48 UTC

Privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy with reflective tape marking the shipwreck "Munson" temporarily established at 44 12.569N 076 36.496W.

Aids: Munson mooring buoy
Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Moorings - Lake Ontario - Sandhurst Shores
2024-05-29 10:41 UTC

Ten privately maintained white and blue mooring buoys temporarily established between 44 07.418N 076 52.978W and 44 07.283N 076 53.107W.  

Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Lake Ontario - False Ducks Islands
2024-05-28 14:31 UTC

Privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy marking the shipwreck "Annie Falconer" temporarily established for navigational season at 43 57.936N 076 48.104W.

Cancels NW-C-2175-23
Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Lake Ontario - Timber Island
2024-05-28 14:31 UTC

Privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy marking the shipwreck "The Florence" temporarily established for navigational season at 43 57.539N 076 49.876W.

Cancels NW-C-2176-23
Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Lake Ontario - Lakefront Promenade
2024-05-27 20:00 UTC

White buoy with orange stripes temporarily established at 43 33.658N 079 33.322W. Buoy has a white light and marked PCYC.

Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Lake Erie - Comet
2024-05-25 16:37 UTC

Four swimming buoys temporarily established at:

42 00.49N 082 58.88W
42 00.51N 082 58.92W
42 00.52N 082 58.95W
42 00.53N 082 58.98W

Buoys are white with orange reflective tape.

Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Lake Simcoe, Trent-Severn Waterway - Cook's Bay
2024-05-24 21:47 UTC

Channel marker SS26 off station at 44 12.403N 079 30.798W

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Trent-Severn Waterway - Rice Lake
2024-05-24 19:59 UTC

Yellow scientific bouys with white danger buoys established at:

44 14.948N 078 04.705W

44 10.942N 078 10.716W

44 08.887N 078 13.625W

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Lake Ontario - Toronto
2024-05-24 18:32 UTC

Scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Buoy 17-04 at 43 42.404N 079 11.710W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with a yellow flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Lake Ontario - Hamilton
2024-05-24 18:31 UTC

Scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Spar 18 at 43 16.750N 079 52.467W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with a yellow flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
ID Date Title Areas Charts Description
Areas affected by the message
44° 10.267'N 081° 38.950'W (A)
44° 10.955'N 081° 40.396'W (B)
44° 10.669'N 081° 40.803'W (C)
44° 10.418'N 081° 39.255'W (D)
2024-06-02 20:31 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Huron - Kincardine 2261(WGS84)

Yellow race markers placed by the Kincardine Yacht Club at:

A - 44 10.267N 081 38.950W
B - 44 10.955N 081 40.396W
C - 44 10.669N 081 40.803W
D - 44 10.418N 081 39.255W

Markers are equipped with reflective tape and marked "KYC".

Areas affected by the message
44° 21.487'N 075° 59.803'W
2024-06-01 18:08 UTC Obstruction Kingston to Cornwall - Ash Island 1437(WGS84)

Plastic jug marking the shipwreck "Ash Island barge" replaced with a privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy at 44 21.487N 075 59.803W.  

Cancels NW-C-2039-22
Areas affected by the message
44° 22.605'N 075° 55.840'W
44° 22.616'N 075° 55.820'W
2024-06-01 18:08 UTC Obstruction Kingston to Cornwall - Rockport 1436(WGS84), 1437(WGS84)

White jugs marking the shipwreck "Kinghorn" replaced by two orange and white mooring buoys at 44 22.605N 075 55.840W and 44 22.616N 075 55.820W.

Cancels NW-C-2038-22
Areas affected by the message
41° 55.289'N 082° 11.012'W (Spar 62)
2024-05-31 22:41 UTC Obstruction Lake Erie - Point Pelee 14829(NAD83), 14830(NAD83), 2122(NAD83), 2123(NAD83)

The following scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Spar 62
41 55.289N 082 11.012W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector.

Areas affected by the message
43° 18.333'N 079° 49.200'W (Spar 52)
43° 18.317'N 079° 49.250'W (Spar 52 Float)
43° 17.200'N 079° 47.733'W (Spar 90)
43° 17.150'N 079° 47.700'W (Spar 90 Float)
2024-05-31 22:14 UTC Obstruction Lake Ontario - Hamilton Harbour 2067(WGS84)

The following scientific moorings have been temporarily established:

Spar 52
43 18.333N 079 49.200W

Spar 90
43 17.200N 079 47.733W

The moorings are marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector. As well as a red float at the following locations:

Spar 52 Float
43 18.317N 079 49.250W

Spar 90 Float
43 17.150N 079 47.700W

Areas affected by the message
43° 23.544'N 079° 39.969'W
43° 23.090'N 079° 42.016'W
43° 23.078'N 079° 41.879'W
2024-05-31 13:55 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Ontario - Bronte 2086(WGS84)

Race markers temporarily established by the Bronte Harbour Yacht Club at:

43 23.544N 079 39.969W
43 23.090N 079 42.016W
43 23.078N 079 41.879W

Areas affected by the message
43° 57.200'N 078° 03.017'W (Spar 89)
43° 57.200'N 078° 02.967'W (Spar 89 Float)
43° 55.233'N 078° 02.967'W (Spar 99)
43° 55.233'N 078° 02.867'W (Spar 99 Float)
2024-05-31 13:36 UTC Obstruction Lake Ontario - Cobourg 2059(NAD83)

The following scientific moorings have been temporarily established:

Spar 89
43 57.20N 078 03.02W

Spar 99
43 55.23N 078 02.97W

The mooring are marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector. As well as a red float at the following locations:

Spar 89 Float
43 57.20N 078 02.97W

Spar 99 Float
43 55.23N 078 02.87W

Stay clear 100 metres.


Areas affected by the message
42° 34.918'N 079° 55.851'W
2024-05-31 01:36 UTC Obstruction Lake Erie - Long Point 2110(WGS84)

The following scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Buoy 12-1
42 34.918N 079 55.851W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

Areas affected by the message
42° 47.499'N 079° 45.963'W
2024-05-31 01:36 UTC Obstruction Lake Erie - Evans Point 14838(NAD83), 2120(NAD83)

The following scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Buoy 17-5
42 47.499N 079 45.963W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

Areas affected by the message
45° 56.799'N 082° 48.659'W
45° 56.565'N 082° 48.998'W
2024-05-30 16:33 UTC Obstruction North Channel - Sheshegwaning 2258(NAD27)

Uncharted aquacultural site reported in positions:

45 56.799N 082 48.659W
45 56.565N 082 48.998W

Areas affected by the message
44° 12.569'N 076° 36.496'W
2024-05-30 12:48 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Ontario - Kingston 2017(NAD83)

Privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy with reflective tape marking the shipwreck "Munson" temporarily established at 44 12.569N 076 36.496W.

Aids: Munson mooring buoy
Areas affected by the message
Pt 1: 44° 07.418'N 076° 52.978'W
Pt 2: 44° 07.283'N 076° 53.107'W
2024-05-29 10:41 UTC Obstruction - Moorings Lake Ontario - Sandhurst Shores 2018(NAD83)

Ten privately maintained white and blue mooring buoys temporarily established between 44 07.418N 076 52.978W and 44 07.283N 076 53.107W.  

Areas affected by the message
43° 57.936'N 076° 48.104'W
2024-05-28 14:31 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Ontario - False Ducks Islands 2016(NAD83)

Privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy marking the shipwreck "Annie Falconer" temporarily established for navigational season at 43 57.936N 076 48.104W.

Cancels NW-C-2175-23
Areas affected by the message
43° 57.539'N 076° 49.876'W
2024-05-28 14:31 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Ontario - Timber Island 2016(NAD83)

Privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy marking the shipwreck "The Florence" temporarily established for navigational season at 43 57.539N 076 49.876W.

Cancels NW-C-2176-23
Areas affected by the message
43° 33.658'N 079° 33.322'W
2024-05-27 20:00 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Ontario - Lakefront Promenade 2086(WGS84)

White buoy with orange stripes temporarily established at 43 33.658N 079 33.322W. Buoy has a white light and marked PCYC.

Areas affected by the message
42° 00.490'N 082° 58.877'W
42° 00.508'N 082° 58.922'W
42° 00.520'N 082° 58.953'W
42° 00.534'N 082° 58.984'W
2024-05-25 16:37 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Erie - Comet 14830(NAD83), 2123(NAD83)

Four swimming buoys temporarily established at:

42 00.49N 082 58.88W
42 00.51N 082 58.92W
42 00.52N 082 58.95W
42 00.53N 082 58.98W

Buoys are white with orange reflective tape.

Areas affected by the message
44° 12.403'N 079° 30.798'W
2024-05-24 21:47 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Simcoe, Trent-Severn Waterway - Cook's Bay 2028(NAD83)

Channel marker SS26 off station at 44 12.403N 079 30.798W

Areas affected by the message
44° 14.948'N 078° 04.705'W
44° 10.942'N 078° 10.716'W
44° 08.887'N 078° 13.625'W
2024-05-24 19:59 UTC Obstruction Trent-Severn Waterway - Rice Lake 2022(NAD83), 2022(NAD83), 2022(NAD83)

Yellow scientific bouys with white danger buoys established at:

44 14.948N 078 04.705W

44 10.942N 078 10.716W

44 08.887N 078 13.625W

Areas affected by the message
43° 42.404'N 079° 11.710'W
2024-05-24 18:32 UTC Obstruction Lake Ontario - Toronto 2077(NAD83)

Scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Buoy 17-04 at 43 42.404N 079 11.710W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with a yellow flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

Areas affected by the message
43° 16.750'N 079° 52.467'W
2024-05-24 18:31 UTC Obstruction Lake Ontario - Hamilton 2067(WGS84)

Scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Spar 18 at 43 16.750N 079 52.467W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with a yellow flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
ID Date Title Areas Charts Description
NW-C-1221-24 2024-06-02 20:31 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Huron - Kincardine 2261(WGS84)

Yellow race markers placed by the Kincardine Yacht Club at:

A - 44 10.267N 081 38.950W
B - 44 10.955N 081 40.396W
C - 44 10.669N 081 40.803W
D - 44 10.418N 081 39.255W

Markers are equipped with reflective tape and marked "KYC".

NW-C-1208-24 2024-06-01 18:08 UTC Obstruction Kingston to Cornwall - Ash Island 1437(WGS84)

Plastic jug marking the shipwreck "Ash Island barge" replaced with a privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy at 44 21.487N 075 59.803W.  

Cancels NW-C-2039-22
NW-C-1207-24 2024-06-01 18:08 UTC Obstruction Kingston to Cornwall - Rockport 1436(WGS84), 1437(WGS84)

White jugs marking the shipwreck "Kinghorn" replaced by two orange and white mooring buoys at 44 22.605N 075 55.840W and 44 22.616N 075 55.820W.

Cancels NW-C-2038-22
NW-C-1190-24 2024-05-31 22:41 UTC Obstruction Lake Erie - Point Pelee 14829(NAD83), 14830(NAD83), 2122(NAD83), 2123(NAD83)

The following scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Spar 62
41 55.289N 082 11.012W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector.

NW-C-1189-24 2024-05-31 22:14 UTC Obstruction Lake Ontario - Hamilton Harbour 2067(WGS84)

The following scientific moorings have been temporarily established:

Spar 52
43 18.333N 079 49.200W

Spar 90
43 17.200N 079 47.733W

The moorings are marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector. As well as a red float at the following locations:

Spar 52 Float
43 18.317N 079 49.250W

Spar 90 Float
43 17.150N 079 47.700W

NW-C-1183-24 2024-05-31 13:55 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Ontario - Bronte 2086(WGS84)

Race markers temporarily established by the Bronte Harbour Yacht Club at:

43 23.544N 079 39.969W
43 23.090N 079 42.016W
43 23.078N 079 41.879W

NW-C-1182-24 2024-05-31 13:36 UTC Obstruction Lake Ontario - Cobourg 2059(NAD83)

The following scientific moorings have been temporarily established:

Spar 89
43 57.20N 078 03.02W

Spar 99
43 55.23N 078 02.97W

The mooring are marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector. As well as a red float at the following locations:

Spar 89 Float
43 57.20N 078 02.97W

Spar 99 Float
43 55.23N 078 02.87W

Stay clear 100 metres.


NW-C-1177-24 2024-05-31 01:36 UTC Obstruction Lake Erie - Long Point 2110(WGS84)

The following scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Buoy 12-1
42 34.918N 079 55.851W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

NW-C-1176-24 2024-05-31 01:36 UTC Obstruction Lake Erie - Evans Point 14838(NAD83), 2120(NAD83)

The following scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Buoy 17-5
42 47.499N 079 45.963W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

NW-C-1165-24 2024-05-30 16:33 UTC Obstruction North Channel - Sheshegwaning 2258(NAD27)

Uncharted aquacultural site reported in positions:

45 56.799N 082 48.659W
45 56.565N 082 48.998W

NW-C-1158-24 2024-05-30 12:48 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Ontario - Kingston 2017(NAD83)

Privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy with reflective tape marking the shipwreck "Munson" temporarily established at 44 12.569N 076 36.496W.

Aids: Munson mooring buoy
NW-C-1150-24 2024-05-29 10:41 UTC Obstruction - Moorings Lake Ontario - Sandhurst Shores 2018(NAD83)

Ten privately maintained white and blue mooring buoys temporarily established between 44 07.418N 076 52.978W and 44 07.283N 076 53.107W.  

NW-C-1141-24 2024-05-28 14:31 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Ontario - False Ducks Islands 2016(NAD83)

Privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy marking the shipwreck "Annie Falconer" temporarily established for navigational season at 43 57.936N 076 48.104W.

Cancels NW-C-2175-23
NW-C-1140-24 2024-05-28 14:31 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Ontario - Timber Island 2016(NAD83)

Privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy marking the shipwreck "The Florence" temporarily established for navigational season at 43 57.539N 076 49.876W.

Cancels NW-C-2176-23
NW-C-1125-24 2024-05-27 20:00 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Ontario - Lakefront Promenade 2086(WGS84)

White buoy with orange stripes temporarily established at 43 33.658N 079 33.322W. Buoy has a white light and marked PCYC.

NW-C-1098-24 2024-05-25 16:37 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Erie - Comet 14830(NAD83), 2123(NAD83)

Four swimming buoys temporarily established at:

42 00.49N 082 58.88W
42 00.51N 082 58.92W
42 00.52N 082 58.95W
42 00.53N 082 58.98W

Buoys are white with orange reflective tape.

NW-C-1092-24 2024-05-24 21:47 UTC Aids to Navigation Lake Simcoe, Trent-Severn Waterway - Cook's Bay 2028(NAD83)

Channel marker SS26 off station at 44 12.403N 079 30.798W

NW-C-1090-24 2024-05-24 19:59 UTC Obstruction Trent-Severn Waterway - Rice Lake 2022(NAD83), 2022(NAD83), 2022(NAD83)

Yellow scientific bouys with white danger buoys established at:

44 14.948N 078 04.705W

44 10.942N 078 10.716W

44 08.887N 078 13.625W

NW-C-1088-24 2024-05-24 18:32 UTC Obstruction Lake Ontario - Toronto 2077(NAD83)

Scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Buoy 17-04 at 43 42.404N 079 11.710W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with a yellow flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

NW-C-1087-24 2024-05-24 18:31 UTC Obstruction Lake Ontario - Hamilton 2067(WGS84)

Scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Spar 18 at 43 16.750N 079 52.467W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with a yellow flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
ID Date Charts Title
NW-C-1221-24 2024-06-02 20:31 UTC 2261(WGS84) Aids to Navigation

Yellow race markers placed by the Kincardine Yacht Club at:

A - 44 10.267N 081 38.950W
B - 44 10.955N 081 40.396W
C - 44 10.669N 081 40.803W
D - 44 10.418N 081 39.255W

Markers are equipped with reflective tape and marked "KYC".

NW-C-1208-24 2024-06-01 18:08 UTC 1437(WGS84) Obstruction

Plastic jug marking the shipwreck "Ash Island barge" replaced with a privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy at 44 21.487N 075 59.803W.  

Cancels NW-C-2039-22
NW-C-1207-24 2024-06-01 18:08 UTC 1436(WGS84), 1437(WGS84) Obstruction

White jugs marking the shipwreck "Kinghorn" replaced by two orange and white mooring buoys at 44 22.605N 075 55.840W and 44 22.616N 075 55.820W.

Cancels NW-C-2038-22
NW-C-1190-24 2024-05-31 22:41 UTC 14829(NAD83), 14830(NAD83), 2122(NAD83), 2123(NAD83) Obstruction

The following scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Spar 62
41 55.289N 082 11.012W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector.

NW-C-1189-24 2024-05-31 22:14 UTC 2067(WGS84) Obstruction

The following scientific moorings have been temporarily established:

Spar 52
43 18.333N 079 49.200W

Spar 90
43 17.200N 079 47.733W

The moorings are marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector. As well as a red float at the following locations:

Spar 52 Float
43 18.317N 079 49.250W

Spar 90 Float
43 17.150N 079 47.700W

NW-C-1183-24 2024-05-31 13:55 UTC 2086(WGS84) Aids to Navigation

Race markers temporarily established by the Bronte Harbour Yacht Club at:

43 23.544N 079 39.969W
43 23.090N 079 42.016W
43 23.078N 079 41.879W

NW-C-1182-24 2024-05-31 13:36 UTC 2059(NAD83) Obstruction

The following scientific moorings have been temporarily established:

Spar 89
43 57.20N 078 03.02W

Spar 99
43 55.23N 078 02.97W

The mooring are marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector. As well as a red float at the following locations:

Spar 89 Float
43 57.20N 078 02.97W

Spar 99 Float
43 55.23N 078 02.87W

Stay clear 100 metres.


NW-C-1177-24 2024-05-31 01:36 UTC 2110(WGS84) Obstruction

The following scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Buoy 12-1
42 34.918N 079 55.851W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

NW-C-1176-24 2024-05-31 01:36 UTC 14838(NAD83), 2120(NAD83) Obstruction

The following scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Buoy 17-5
42 47.499N 079 45.963W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with an amber flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

NW-C-1165-24 2024-05-30 16:33 UTC 2258(NAD27) Obstruction

Uncharted aquacultural site reported in positions:

45 56.799N 082 48.659W
45 56.565N 082 48.998W

NW-C-1158-24 2024-05-30 12:48 UTC 2017(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy with reflective tape marking the shipwreck "Munson" temporarily established at 44 12.569N 076 36.496W.

Aids: Munson mooring buoy
NW-C-1150-24 2024-05-29 10:41 UTC 2018(NAD83) Obstruction - Moorings

Ten privately maintained white and blue mooring buoys temporarily established between 44 07.418N 076 52.978W and 44 07.283N 076 53.107W.  

NW-C-1141-24 2024-05-28 14:31 UTC 2016(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy marking the shipwreck "Annie Falconer" temporarily established for navigational season at 43 57.936N 076 48.104W.

Cancels NW-C-2175-23
NW-C-1140-24 2024-05-28 14:31 UTC 2016(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Privately maintained orange and white mooring buoy marking the shipwreck "The Florence" temporarily established for navigational season at 43 57.539N 076 49.876W.

Cancels NW-C-2176-23
NW-C-1125-24 2024-05-27 20:00 UTC 2086(WGS84) Aids to Navigation

White buoy with orange stripes temporarily established at 43 33.658N 079 33.322W. Buoy has a white light and marked PCYC.

NW-C-1098-24 2024-05-25 16:37 UTC 14830(NAD83), 2123(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Four swimming buoys temporarily established at:

42 00.49N 082 58.88W
42 00.51N 082 58.92W
42 00.52N 082 58.95W
42 00.53N 082 58.98W

Buoys are white with orange reflective tape.

NW-C-1092-24 2024-05-24 21:47 UTC 2028(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Channel marker SS26 off station at 44 12.403N 079 30.798W

NW-C-1090-24 2024-05-24 19:59 UTC 2022(NAD83), 2022(NAD83), 2022(NAD83) Obstruction

Yellow scientific bouys with white danger buoys established at:

44 14.948N 078 04.705W

44 10.942N 078 10.716W

44 08.887N 078 13.625W

NW-C-1088-24 2024-05-24 18:32 UTC 2077(NAD83) Obstruction

Scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Buoy 17-04 at 43 42.404N 079 11.710W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with a yellow flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

NW-C-1087-24 2024-05-24 18:31 UTC 2067(WGS84) Obstruction

Scientific mooring has been temporarily established:

Spar 18 at 43 16.750N 079 52.467W

The mooring is marked with a yellow buoy equipped with a yellow flashing light and radar reflector.

Stay clear 100 metres.

Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.
Showing results 81 to 100, from 186 total results.

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