At 21/1919UTC June 2016, an 8 foot-wide anchor, brown in color, reported abandonned in between the government wharf and the beach in Dublin Bay, NS. The anchor is only visible at low tide and poses a hazard to navigation. Caution.
Shallower waters than advertised have been reported in the harbour entrance to Pinkneys Point. Caution.
A barge 20 feet by 40 feet reported partially submerged in 45 08.652N 066 56.08W. Caution.
A vertical pipe reported extending 50 feet above the ocean floor in 45 33.47N 061 19.03W. Caution.
According to a sounding survey of Fox Dens Gully completed on 30 July, 2015, the presently buoyed gully channel has depths less than 0.7 metres between psn 47 53 06.0N 64 29 46.9W and 47 53 06.3N 64 29 55.3W. Gully conditions are constantly changing. Caution. Depths are below CHS chart datum and horizontal psns are based on NAD83.
Cheticamp Harbour - Reduced depths have been observed on the west side of the channel, outside of the channel buoys 46 38.295N 061 00.624W. Caution.
A 2007 sounding survey of Ryans Gut navigable channel was conducted by Public Works and Government Services Canada. It was compared with CHS chart 4385 for possible hazards to navigation. The following shallower depths were found:1. Add 0 feet at 44 27 00.4N 63 44 07.5W2. Add 4 feet at 44 26 58.0N 63 43 53.2W3. Add 5 feet at 44 26 56.7N 63 43 39.4W4. Add 2 fathoms 3 feet at 44 26 54.4N 63 43 25.8W5. Add 4 feet at 44 26 56.4N 63 43 19.4W6. Add 4 feet at 44 26 56.8N 63 43 16.6W7. Add 4 feet at 44 26 52.9N 63 43 17.2W8. Add 1 fathom 1 foot at 44 26 49.8N 63 43 13.3WNote that depths are referenced to CHS chart datum and horizontal positions are based on NAD83.
A 2008 Public Works and Government Services Canada sounding survey in Malpeque Bay was compared to CHS chart 4491. The following shallower depth was found:12 feet (3.6 metres) in 46 35 27.20 N 63 50 18.20 WNote that the depth is referenced to CHS chart datum and horizontal position is based on NAD83.
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