NAVWARN details

ID NW-M-1881-19
Date 2019-09-11 12:46 UTC To 2019-11-06 23:59 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Obstruction
Cancels NW-M-1867-19
Cancelled by NW-M-2058-19
Areas Gulf - Magdalen - south
Vicinity Gulf of St. Lawrence
Categories Obstruction (Other)

An unmanned surface vehicle will transit multiple transects throughout a patrol area in the southeast Gulf of St. Lawrence bounded by the following coordinates:

46 34.123N, 061 09.523W

46 39.000N, 061 18.000W

47 07.198N, 060 43.042W

47 03.902N, 060 37.163W

Operations are 24/7 until 27 September 2019, at which time the wave glider will depart the patrol area and commence transit of the Cabot Strait until 29 September 2019. It is remotely operated, moves at a speed of 1 kt., is yellow in colour, and equipped with a contact plaque and mast extending three feet above the surface of the water and supporting a light and an orange flag. Caution.

    Pt 1: 46° 34.123'N 061° 09.523'W
    Pt 2: 46° 39.000'N 061° 18.000'W
    Pt 3: 47° 07.198'N 060° 43.042'W
    Pt 4: 47° 03.902'N 060° 37.163'W
    Pt 1: 47° 03.902'N 060° 37.163'W
    Pt 2: 47° 03.902'N 060° 37.163'W
    Pt 3: 46° 34.123'N 061° 09.523'W
    Pt 4: 46° 34.123'N 061° 09.523'W
Charts 4463(NAD83), 4464(NAD83)

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