NAVWARN details

ID NW-H-0111-22
Date 2022-07-23 00:44 UTC To 2023-02-24 17:29 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Aids to Navigation
Cancelled by NW-H-0004-23
Referenced by NW-H-0073-23
Referenced by NW-H-0071-23
Referenced by NW-H-0072-23
Referenced by NW-H-0074-23
Areas Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081
Vicinity Horseshoe Bend
Categories Aids to Navigation (Other)

Front unlit range facing downstream at mile 969.4 destroyed.

Position 68° 17.600'N 134° 25.550'W
Charts 6428(NAD83)

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