NAVWARN details

ID NW-H-0004-23
Date 2023-02-24 17:29 UTC To 2023-02-24 17:29 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Aids to Navigation
Cancels NW-H-0111-22
Referenced by NW-H-0073-23
Referenced by NW-H-0071-23
Referenced by NW-H-0072-23
Referenced by NW-H-0074-23
Areas Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081
Vicinity Horseshoe Bend
Categories Aids to Navigation (Other)

Front unlit range facing downstream at mile 969.4 destroyed.

Monthly Notice to Mariners Eastern Edition 02/2023 refers.

Position 68° 17.600'N 134° 25.550'W
Charts 6428(NAD83)

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