NAVWARN details

ID NW-A-0112-22
Date 2022-09-24 02:33 UTC To 2023-08-07 20:12 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Aids to Navigation
Cancels NW-A-0060-22
Cancels NW-A-0064-22
Cancelled by NW-A-0090-23
Areas Puvirnituq
Shipping Safety Control Zone 14
Categories Aids to Navigation (Other)
Aids PUVIRNITUQ #4 - Timmijuuvinirtalik Front Range
PUVIRNITUQ #3 - Tikiraaluk Front Range
PUVIRNITUQ #3 - Tikiraaluk Rear Range
PUVIRNITUQ #4 - Timmijuuvinirtalik Rear Range

There have been several recent changes in the aids to navigation near Puvirnituq, Quebec.

Ranges no. 3 and 4 (counting from the ocean) have been established.

The old range no. 3 (azimuth 026) is replaced with the new range no. 3 – Tikiraaluk (azimuth 034.5).

Range no. 4 – Timmijuuvinirtalik (azimuth 080) is new and will be used to avoid the shoals off Pointe Big Finger. 

The old rear range no. 3 has been disassembled and permanently discontinued but the racon remains unchanged, and keeps broadcasting the same P (.- -.) call sign from the same location.

When numbered from the ocean, ranges no. 1, 2 and 5 remain unchanged.

All the ranges remain unlit.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Iqaluit MCTS/VFF or the Aids to Navigation Program;

Position 60° 01.038'N 077° 17.028'W
60° 01.070'N 077° 16.676'W
60° 01.204'N 077° 19.973'W
60° 01.341'N 077° 19.783'W
Charts 5510;  Horizontal positions are based on NAD83.

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