Search for NAVWARNs

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Navigational Warnings (NAVWARNs) replace Notices to Shipping (NOTSHIPs) and shall be construed as Notices to Shipping
Caution. In enabling the option to Exclude NAVWARNs of regional scope in your search parameters, some relevant NAVWARNs associated to the Regional or National areas may be missing from the search results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Beaufort Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
2024-08-02 20:19 UTC

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Wells Point (Hershel Island) day beacon
Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Beaufort Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
2024-08-02 20:19 UTC

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Avadlek Spit south radar reflector
Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Beaufort Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
2024-08-02 20:19 UTC

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Avadlek Spit north day beacon
Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Shipping Safety Control Zone 15
2024-07-25 16:35 UTC

The Canadian Coast Guard is currently testing a physical AIS in Koojesse Inlet for buoy N22 (LL 2577). Disregard any position information broadcasted by the AIS at this time.

Aids: Iqaluit White Top Ledge light buoy N22 LL 2577
Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
2024-07-24 21:23 UTC

Operating properly and permanently relocated to mile 1014.3 at 68 39.692N 134 21.471W


Aids: Mile 1014.2 starboard day beacon facing downstream
Cancels NW-A-0152-23
Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
2024-07-24 19:37 UTC

Permanently relocated to mile 1022.4 at 68 45.630N 134 30.894W

Aids: Mile 1022.2 red conical buoy
Cancels NW-A-0127-24
Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
2024-07-24 19:26 UTC

Permanently relocated to mile 1011.6 at 68 40.631N 134 15.339W 

Aids: Mile 1012.1 red conical buoy
Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
2024-07-23 15:22 UTC

Permanently relocated to 68 45.282N 134 29.429W

Aids: Mile 1022 rear range
Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
2024-07-23 14:05 UTC

Permanently relocated to 68 45.322N 134 29.547W, operating properly.

Aids: Mile 1022 front range facing downstream
Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
2024-07-17 17:10 UTC

Temporarily out of service

Aids: Sachs Harbour Spit Daymark
Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Beaufort Sea, Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
2024-07-16 18:12 UTC

Mile 1065.3 front range facing upstream, permanently relocated to 69 15.877N 134 05.579W, operating properly.

Mile 1065.3 rear range facing upstream, permanently relocated to 69 15.884N 134 05.524W, operating properly.

Aids: Mile 1065.3 front range facing upstream , Mile 1065.3 rear range facing upstream
Cancels NW-A-0110-24
Areas affected by the message
MCTS MF Services - MCTS HF Services - Shipping Safety Control Zone 14
2024-07-15 21:11 UTC

Iqaluit MCTS. All MF HF RT services located at Coral Harbour off air 152130 UTC Jul 2024.

Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Beaufort Sea, Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
2024-07-13 21:47 UTC

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Mile 1072.9 front range facing upstream , Mile 1072.9 rear range facing upstream
Cancels NW-H-0155-22
Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Arctic - Baker Lake
2024-07-12 19:05 UTC

Shallow depths reported: 

63 59.758N 094 19.071W, 15m

63 59.497N 094 19.106W, 4.7m

63 59.645N 094 18.595W, 7.2m

63 59.571N 094 18.584W, 8.8m

63 59.497N 094 18.384W, 2.9m

63 59.524N 094 18.280W, 9.0m

63 59.649N 094 18.021W, 7.2m

63 59.519N 094 16.900W, 11.2m

63 59.478N 094 16.479W, 19.3m

Cancels NW-A-0108-24
Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Shipping Safety Control Zone 15 - Koojesse Inlet
2024-07-03 19:45 UTC

Shipping containers may be found drifting, or submerged in shallow waters in Koojesse Inlet and surrounding areas bounded by the following coordinates. Given tides and currents in the region, containers may have shifted over the winter and migrated further into Frobisher Bay. Operations with the responsible party to locate and mark the remaining seven (7) containers are ongoing. 

63 44.025N 068 29.206W
63 42.592N 068 25.242W
63 40.944N 068 24.994W
63 40.955N 068 29.296W
63 42.931N 068 31.101W

Cancels NW-A-0243-23
Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Shipping Safety Control Zone 13
2024-06-12 17:06 UTC

Shoal located at 74 29.096N 087 00.973w, 1.1 meters

Areas affected by the message
MCTS VHF Services - Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
2024-06-11 15:08 UTC

Iqaluit MCTS. All VHF services located at Parson's Lake off air 111500 UTC Jun 2024.

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Shipping Safety Control Zone 10 - Pangnirtung Habour
2024-02-14 23:12 UTC

Mooring line floating near the entrance of Pangnirtung harbour.


Cancels NW-A-0032-22
Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Shipping Safety Control Zone 10 - Pangnirtung
2024-02-13 16:40 UTC

Shoaling reported at the Pangnirtung Small Craft Harbour channel entrance. Depths vary from 0.6 metres below chart datum along the channel centerline to 0.7 metres above chart datum along the eastearn edge of the channel. 

Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Ungava - Hopes Advance Bay
2024-01-29 15:43 UTC

The leading line, bearing 239 degrees as shown on ENC CA473413 is plotted up to 150 meters north of the true leading line.  Use caution while transiting the approaches to Hopes Advance Bay using ENC CA473413.

Aids: Colline Apex front range , Colline Apex rear range
Cancels NW-A-0144-19
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
ID Date Title Areas Charts Description
Areas affected by the message
69° 32.989'N 139° 19.228'W
2024-08-02 20:19 UTC Aids to Navigation Beaufort Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 7661(NAD27)

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Wells Point (Hershel Island) day beacon
Areas affected by the message
69° 33.206'N 139° 18.940'W
2024-08-02 20:19 UTC Aids to Navigation Beaufort Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 7661(NAD27)

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Avadlek Spit south radar reflector
Areas affected by the message
69° 34.169'N 139° 16.423'W
2024-08-02 20:19 UTC Aids to Navigation Beaufort Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 7661(NAD27)

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Avadlek Spit north day beacon
Areas affected by the message
63° 42.837'N 068° 30.128'W
2024-07-25 16:35 UTC Aids to Navigation Shipping Safety Control Zone 15 7127(NAD83)

The Canadian Coast Guard is currently testing a physical AIS in Koojesse Inlet for buoy N22 (LL 2577). Disregard any position information broadcasted by the AIS at this time.

Aids: Iqaluit White Top Ledge light buoy N22 LL 2577
Areas affected by the message
68° 39.883'N 134° 20.600'W
68° 39.692'N 134° 21.471'W
2024-07-24 21:23 UTC Aids to Navigation Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 6429(NAD83), 6436(NAD83)

Operating properly and permanently relocated to mile 1014.3 at 68 39.692N 134 21.471W


Aids: Mile 1014.2 starboard day beacon facing downstream
Cancels NW-A-0152-23
Areas affected by the message
68° 40.450'N 134° 29.967'W
68° 45.630'N 134° 30.894'W
2024-07-24 19:37 UTC Aids to Navigation Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 6429(NAD83), 6430(NAD83), 6436(NAD83)

Permanently relocated to mile 1022.4 at 68 45.630N 134 30.894W

Aids: Mile 1022.2 red conical buoy
Cancels NW-A-0127-24
Areas affected by the message
68° 40.650'N 134° 15.967'W
68° 40.631'N 134° 15.339'W
2024-07-24 19:26 UTC Aids to Navigation Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 6429(NAD83), 6430(NAD83), 6436(NAD83)

Permanently relocated to mile 1011.6 at 68 40.631N 134 15.339W 

Aids: Mile 1012.1 red conical buoy
Areas affected by the message
68° 45.267'N 134° 29.217'W
68° 45.282'N 134° 29.429'W
2024-07-23 15:22 UTC Aids to Navigation Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 6429(NAD83), 6430(NAD83), 6436(NAD83)

Permanently relocated to 68 45.282N 134 29.429W

Aids: Mile 1022 rear range
Areas affected by the message
68° 45.006'N 134° 29.012'W
68° 45.322'N 134° 29.547'W
2024-07-23 14:05 UTC Aids to Navigation Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 6429(NAD83), 6430(NAD83), 6436(NAD83)

Permanently relocated to 68 45.322N 134 29.547W, operating properly.

Aids: Mile 1022 front range facing downstream
Areas affected by the message
71° 57.330'N 125° 14.400'W
2024-07-17 17:10 UTC Aids to Navigation Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 7621(NAD83), 7832(NAD83)

Temporarily out of service

Aids: Sachs Harbour Spit Daymark
Areas affected by the message
69° 15.877'N 134° 05.579'W
69° 15.877'N 134° 05.524'W
2024-07-16 18:12 UTC Aids to Navigation Beaufort Sea, Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 6431(NAD83)

Mile 1065.3 front range facing upstream, permanently relocated to 69 15.877N 134 05.579W, operating properly.

Mile 1065.3 rear range facing upstream, permanently relocated to 69 15.884N 134 05.524W, operating properly.

Aids: Mile 1065.3 front range facing upstream , Mile 1065.3 rear range facing upstream
Cancels NW-A-0110-24
Areas affected by the message
64° 09.017'N 083° 22.367'W
2024-07-15 21:11 UTC MCTS MF Services - MCTS HF Services Shipping Safety Control Zone 14 5410(WGS84)

Iqaluit MCTS. All MF HF RT services located at Coral Harbour off air 152130 UTC Jul 2024.

Areas affected by the message
69° 20.133'N 133° 54.100'W
69° 20.191'N 133° 54.083'W
2024-07-13 21:47 UTC Aids to Navigation Beaufort Sea, Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 6431(NAD83)

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Mile 1072.9 front range facing upstream , Mile 1072.9 rear range facing upstream
Cancels NW-H-0155-22
Areas affected by the message
63° 59.758'N 094° 19.071'W
63° 59.497'N 094° 19.106'W
63° 59.645'N 094° 18.595'W
63° 59.571'N 094° 18.584'W
63° 59.497'N 094° 18.384'W
63° 59.524'N 094° 18.280'W
63° 59.649'N 094° 18.021'W
63° 59.519'N 094° 16.900'W
63° 59.478'N 094° 16.479'W
2024-07-12 19:05 UTC Waterway information Arctic - Baker Lake 5625(WGS84)

Shallow depths reported: 

63 59.758N 094 19.071W, 15m

63 59.497N 094 19.106W, 4.7m

63 59.645N 094 18.595W, 7.2m

63 59.571N 094 18.584W, 8.8m

63 59.497N 094 18.384W, 2.9m

63 59.524N 094 18.280W, 9.0m

63 59.649N 094 18.021W, 7.2m

63 59.519N 094 16.900W, 11.2m

63 59.478N 094 16.479W, 19.3m

Cancels NW-A-0108-24
Areas affected by the message
63° 42.260'N 068° 27.963'W
Pt 1: 63° 44.025'N 068° 29.206'W
Pt 2: 63° 42.592'N 068° 25.242'W
Pt 3: 63° 40.944'N 068° 24.994'W
Pt 4: 63° 40.955'N 068° 29.296'W
Pt 5: 63° 42.931'N 068° 31.101'W
2024-07-03 19:45 UTC Waterway information Shipping Safety Control Zone 15 - Koojesse Inlet 7127(NAD83)

Shipping containers may be found drifting, or submerged in shallow waters in Koojesse Inlet and surrounding areas bounded by the following coordinates. Given tides and currents in the region, containers may have shifted over the winter and migrated further into Frobisher Bay. Operations with the responsible party to locate and mark the remaining seven (7) containers are ongoing. 

63 44.025N 068 29.206W
63 42.592N 068 25.242W
63 40.944N 068 24.994W
63 40.955N 068 29.296W
63 42.931N 068 31.101W

Cancels NW-A-0243-23
Areas affected by the message
74° 29.096'N 087° 00.973'W
2024-06-12 17:06 UTC Waterway information Shipping Safety Control Zone 13 7568

Shoal located at 74 29.096N 087 00.973w, 1.1 meters

Areas affected by the message
68° 53.633'N 133° 56.517'W
2024-06-11 15:08 UTC MCTS VHF Services Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 7662(NAD83)

Iqaluit MCTS. All VHF services located at Parson's Lake off air 111500 UTC Jun 2024.

Areas affected by the message
66° 09.124'N 065° 42.581'W
2024-02-14 23:12 UTC Obstruction Shipping Safety Control Zone 10 - Pangnirtung Habour 7150(WGS84)

Mooring line floating near the entrance of Pangnirtung harbour.


Cancels NW-A-0032-22
Areas affected by the message
66° 09.131'N 065° 42.710'W
66° 09.107'N 065° 42.671'W
Pt 1: 66° 09.107'N 065° 42.671'W
Pt 2: 66° 09.131'N 065° 42.710'W
2024-02-13 16:40 UTC Waterway information Shipping Safety Control Zone 10 - Pangnirtung 7150(WGS84)

Shoaling reported at the Pangnirtung Small Craft Harbour channel entrance. Depths vary from 0.6 metres below chart datum along the channel centerline to 0.7 metres above chart datum along the eastearn edge of the channel. 

Areas affected by the message
59° 18.936'N 069° 39.447'W
59° 18.798'N 069° 39.899'W
2024-01-29 15:43 UTC Aids to Navigation Ungava - Hopes Advance Bay 5349(WGS84)

The leading line, bearing 239 degrees as shown on ENC CA473413 is plotted up to 150 meters north of the true leading line.  Use caution while transiting the approaches to Hopes Advance Bay using ENC CA473413.

Aids: Colline Apex front range , Colline Apex rear range
Cancels NW-A-0144-19
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
ID Date Title Areas Charts Description
NW-A-0155-24 2024-08-02 20:19 UTC Aids to Navigation Beaufort Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 7661(NAD27)

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Wells Point (Hershel Island) day beacon
NW-A-0154-24 2024-08-02 20:19 UTC Aids to Navigation Beaufort Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 7661(NAD27)

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Avadlek Spit south radar reflector
NW-A-0153-24 2024-08-02 20:19 UTC Aids to Navigation Beaufort Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 7661(NAD27)

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Avadlek Spit north day beacon
NW-A-0140-24 2024-07-25 16:35 UTC Aids to Navigation Shipping Safety Control Zone 15 7127(NAD83)

The Canadian Coast Guard is currently testing a physical AIS in Koojesse Inlet for buoy N22 (LL 2577). Disregard any position information broadcasted by the AIS at this time.

Aids: Iqaluit White Top Ledge light buoy N22 LL 2577
NW-A-0139-24 2024-07-24 21:23 UTC Aids to Navigation Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 6429(NAD83), 6436(NAD83)

Operating properly and permanently relocated to mile 1014.3 at 68 39.692N 134 21.471W


Aids: Mile 1014.2 starboard day beacon facing downstream
Cancels NW-A-0152-23
NW-A-0138-24 2024-07-24 19:37 UTC Aids to Navigation Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 6429(NAD83), 6430(NAD83), 6436(NAD83)

Permanently relocated to mile 1022.4 at 68 45.630N 134 30.894W

Aids: Mile 1022.2 red conical buoy
Cancels NW-A-0127-24
NW-A-0137-24 2024-07-24 19:26 UTC Aids to Navigation Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 6429(NAD83), 6430(NAD83), 6436(NAD83)

Permanently relocated to mile 1011.6 at 68 40.631N 134 15.339W 

Aids: Mile 1012.1 red conical buoy
NW-A-0132-24 2024-07-23 15:22 UTC Aids to Navigation Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 6429(NAD83), 6430(NAD83), 6436(NAD83)

Permanently relocated to 68 45.282N 134 29.429W

Aids: Mile 1022 rear range
NW-A-0131-24 2024-07-23 14:05 UTC Aids to Navigation Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 6429(NAD83), 6430(NAD83), 6436(NAD83)

Permanently relocated to 68 45.322N 134 29.547W, operating properly.

Aids: Mile 1022 front range facing downstream
NW-A-0121-24 2024-07-17 17:10 UTC Aids to Navigation Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 7621(NAD83), 7832(NAD83)

Temporarily out of service

Aids: Sachs Harbour Spit Daymark
NW-A-0120-24 2024-07-16 18:12 UTC Aids to Navigation Beaufort Sea, Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 6431(NAD83)

Mile 1065.3 front range facing upstream, permanently relocated to 69 15.877N 134 05.579W, operating properly.

Mile 1065.3 rear range facing upstream, permanently relocated to 69 15.884N 134 05.524W, operating properly.

Aids: Mile 1065.3 front range facing upstream , Mile 1065.3 rear range facing upstream
Cancels NW-A-0110-24
NW-A-0116-24 2024-07-15 21:11 UTC MCTS MF Services - MCTS HF Services Shipping Safety Control Zone 14 5410(WGS84)

Iqaluit MCTS. All MF HF RT services located at Coral Harbour off air 152130 UTC Jul 2024.

NW-A-0111-24 2024-07-13 21:47 UTC Aids to Navigation Beaufort Sea, Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 6431(NAD83)

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Mile 1072.9 front range facing upstream , Mile 1072.9 rear range facing upstream
Cancels NW-H-0155-22
NW-A-0109-24 2024-07-12 19:05 UTC Waterway information Arctic - Baker Lake 5625(WGS84)

Shallow depths reported: 

63 59.758N 094 19.071W, 15m

63 59.497N 094 19.106W, 4.7m

63 59.645N 094 18.595W, 7.2m

63 59.571N 094 18.584W, 8.8m

63 59.497N 094 18.384W, 2.9m

63 59.524N 094 18.280W, 9.0m

63 59.649N 094 18.021W, 7.2m

63 59.519N 094 16.900W, 11.2m

63 59.478N 094 16.479W, 19.3m

Cancels NW-A-0108-24
NW-A-0074-24 2024-07-03 19:45 UTC Waterway information Shipping Safety Control Zone 15 - Koojesse Inlet 7127(NAD83)

Shipping containers may be found drifting, or submerged in shallow waters in Koojesse Inlet and surrounding areas bounded by the following coordinates. Given tides and currents in the region, containers may have shifted over the winter and migrated further into Frobisher Bay. Operations with the responsible party to locate and mark the remaining seven (7) containers are ongoing. 

63 44.025N 068 29.206W
63 42.592N 068 25.242W
63 40.944N 068 24.994W
63 40.955N 068 29.296W
63 42.931N 068 31.101W

Cancels NW-A-0243-23
NW-A-0052-24 2024-06-12 17:06 UTC Waterway information Shipping Safety Control Zone 13 7568

Shoal located at 74 29.096N 087 00.973w, 1.1 meters

NW-A-0047-24 2024-06-11 15:08 UTC MCTS VHF Services Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 7662(NAD83)

Iqaluit MCTS. All VHF services located at Parson's Lake off air 111500 UTC Jun 2024.

NW-A-0009-24 2024-02-14 23:12 UTC Obstruction Shipping Safety Control Zone 10 - Pangnirtung Habour 7150(WGS84)

Mooring line floating near the entrance of Pangnirtung harbour.


Cancels NW-A-0032-22
NW-A-0008-24 2024-02-13 16:40 UTC Waterway information Shipping Safety Control Zone 10 - Pangnirtung 7150(WGS84)

Shoaling reported at the Pangnirtung Small Craft Harbour channel entrance. Depths vary from 0.6 metres below chart datum along the channel centerline to 0.7 metres above chart datum along the eastearn edge of the channel. 

NW-A-0007-24 2024-01-29 15:43 UTC Aids to Navigation Ungava - Hopes Advance Bay 5349(WGS84)

The leading line, bearing 239 degrees as shown on ENC CA473413 is plotted up to 150 meters north of the true leading line.  Use caution while transiting the approaches to Hopes Advance Bay using ENC CA473413.

Aids: Colline Apex front range , Colline Apex rear range
Cancels NW-A-0144-19
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
ID Date Charts Title
NW-A-0155-24 2024-08-02 20:19 UTC 7661(NAD27) Aids to Navigation

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Wells Point (Hershel Island) day beacon
NW-A-0154-24 2024-08-02 20:19 UTC 7661(NAD27) Aids to Navigation

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Avadlek Spit south radar reflector
NW-A-0153-24 2024-08-02 20:19 UTC 7661(NAD27) Aids to Navigation

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Avadlek Spit north day beacon
NW-A-0140-24 2024-07-25 16:35 UTC 7127(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

The Canadian Coast Guard is currently testing a physical AIS in Koojesse Inlet for buoy N22 (LL 2577). Disregard any position information broadcasted by the AIS at this time.

Aids: Iqaluit White Top Ledge light buoy N22 LL 2577
NW-A-0139-24 2024-07-24 21:23 UTC 6429(NAD83), 6436(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Operating properly and permanently relocated to mile 1014.3 at 68 39.692N 134 21.471W


Aids: Mile 1014.2 starboard day beacon facing downstream
Cancels NW-A-0152-23
NW-A-0138-24 2024-07-24 19:37 UTC 6429(NAD83), 6430(NAD83), 6436(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Permanently relocated to mile 1022.4 at 68 45.630N 134 30.894W

Aids: Mile 1022.2 red conical buoy
Cancels NW-A-0127-24
NW-A-0137-24 2024-07-24 19:26 UTC 6429(NAD83), 6430(NAD83), 6436(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Permanently relocated to mile 1011.6 at 68 40.631N 134 15.339W 

Aids: Mile 1012.1 red conical buoy
NW-A-0132-24 2024-07-23 15:22 UTC 6429(NAD83), 6430(NAD83), 6436(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Permanently relocated to 68 45.282N 134 29.429W

Aids: Mile 1022 rear range
NW-A-0131-24 2024-07-23 14:05 UTC 6429(NAD83), 6430(NAD83), 6436(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Permanently relocated to 68 45.322N 134 29.547W, operating properly.

Aids: Mile 1022 front range facing downstream
NW-A-0121-24 2024-07-17 17:10 UTC 7621(NAD83), 7832(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Temporarily out of service

Aids: Sachs Harbour Spit Daymark
NW-A-0120-24 2024-07-16 18:12 UTC 6431(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Mile 1065.3 front range facing upstream, permanently relocated to 69 15.877N 134 05.579W, operating properly.

Mile 1065.3 rear range facing upstream, permanently relocated to 69 15.884N 134 05.524W, operating properly.

Aids: Mile 1065.3 front range facing upstream , Mile 1065.3 rear range facing upstream
Cancels NW-A-0110-24
NW-A-0116-24 2024-07-15 21:11 UTC 5410(WGS84) MCTS MF Services - MCTS HF Services

Iqaluit MCTS. All MF HF RT services located at Coral Harbour off air 152130 UTC Jul 2024.

NW-A-0111-24 2024-07-13 21:47 UTC 6431(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Permanently discontinued

Aids: Mile 1072.9 front range facing upstream , Mile 1072.9 rear range facing upstream
Cancels NW-H-0155-22
NW-A-0109-24 2024-07-12 19:05 UTC 5625(WGS84) Waterway information

Shallow depths reported: 

63 59.758N 094 19.071W, 15m

63 59.497N 094 19.106W, 4.7m

63 59.645N 094 18.595W, 7.2m

63 59.571N 094 18.584W, 8.8m

63 59.497N 094 18.384W, 2.9m

63 59.524N 094 18.280W, 9.0m

63 59.649N 094 18.021W, 7.2m

63 59.519N 094 16.900W, 11.2m

63 59.478N 094 16.479W, 19.3m

Cancels NW-A-0108-24
NW-A-0074-24 2024-07-03 19:45 UTC 7127(NAD83) Waterway information

Shipping containers may be found drifting, or submerged in shallow waters in Koojesse Inlet and surrounding areas bounded by the following coordinates. Given tides and currents in the region, containers may have shifted over the winter and migrated further into Frobisher Bay. Operations with the responsible party to locate and mark the remaining seven (7) containers are ongoing. 

63 44.025N 068 29.206W
63 42.592N 068 25.242W
63 40.944N 068 24.994W
63 40.955N 068 29.296W
63 42.931N 068 31.101W

Cancels NW-A-0243-23
NW-A-0052-24 2024-06-12 17:06 UTC 7568 Waterway information

Shoal located at 74 29.096N 087 00.973w, 1.1 meters

NW-A-0047-24 2024-06-11 15:08 UTC 7662(NAD83) MCTS VHF Services

Iqaluit MCTS. All VHF services located at Parson's Lake off air 111500 UTC Jun 2024.

NW-A-0009-24 2024-02-14 23:12 UTC 7150(WGS84) Obstruction

Mooring line floating near the entrance of Pangnirtung harbour.


Cancels NW-A-0032-22
NW-A-0008-24 2024-02-13 16:40 UTC 7150(WGS84) Waterway information

Shoaling reported at the Pangnirtung Small Craft Harbour channel entrance. Depths vary from 0.6 metres below chart datum along the channel centerline to 0.7 metres above chart datum along the eastearn edge of the channel. 

NW-A-0007-24 2024-01-29 15:43 UTC 5349(WGS84) Aids to Navigation

The leading line, bearing 239 degrees as shown on ENC CA473413 is plotted up to 150 meters north of the true leading line.  Use caution while transiting the approaches to Hopes Advance Bay using ENC CA473413.

Aids: Colline Apex front range , Colline Apex rear range
Cancels NW-A-0144-19
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 164 total results.

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