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Navigational Warnings (NAVWARNs) replace Notices to Shipping (NOTSHIPs) and shall be construed as Notices to Shipping
Caution. In enabling the option to Exclude NAVWARNs of regional scope in your search parameters, some relevant NAVWARNs associated to the Regional or National areas may be missing from the search results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Shipping Safety Control Zone 6
2023-09-20 15:04 UTC

Subsurface scientific mooring deployed in 78 19.047N 074 48.002W, top of mooring 569m.

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Shipping Safety Control Zone 3
2023-09-14 14:26 UTC

Subsurface scientific mooring established. Depth of 485m. Top float at 320m.

Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Shipping Safety Control Zone 3
2023-09-13 14:48 UTC

Subsurface scientific mooring established. Depth of 140m.

Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Ungava
2023-09-13 12:18 UTC

Shallower depth, 32.6 meters

Cancels NW-A-0161-23
Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Shipping Safety Control Zone 13
2023-09-02 16:36 UTC

Subsurface scientific mooring deployed in 72 52.89N 075 38.87W. Top of mooring 197m.

Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Beaufort Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
2023-08-14 18:39 UTC

Racon X-band Out of service.

Aids: Pullen Island light LL 2503
Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Northwest Labrador Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 15
2023-08-10 21:49 UTC

Subsurface scientific mooring deployed. Top of mooring 391m.

Cancels NW-A-0098-23
Areas affected by the message
Obstruction - Shipping Safety Control Zone 9
2023-08-08 16:22 UTC

Subsurface scientific mooring established. Depth of 490m.

Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Arctic - Ice Breaker Point (Chesterfield Narrows)
2023-07-19 21:31 UTC

Shoals located at:

63 59.612N 094 18.112W, 5.1 meters

63 59.613N 094 18.083W, 5.1 meters

63 59.6152N 094 18.049W, 5.1 meters

Areas affected by the message
Aids to Navigation - Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 - Horseshoe Bend
2023-06-30 21:18 UTC


Aids: Mile 969.4 front unlit range facing downstream
Cancels NW-H-0073-23
Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 - Herschel Island
2023-06-21 00:13 UTC

The waters in Workboat Passage, between Herschel Island and the Yukon coast, could be shallower than charted.  Mariners should not rely on any of the four ranges located on Herschel island, and should use caution in the area.

The Coast Guard is seeking input from mariners as to the usefulness of some of the aids to navigation located in the Workboat Passage area, more specifically the four unlit ranges located in the area, as well as the Avadlek Spit north daymark, the Avadlek spit south daymark and the Calton point # 1 daymark.  

Comments should be directed to: Rashaad Bhamjee, Superintendent Navigational Programs, Canadian Coast Guard, Arctic Region, 301-5204 50 Ave, Yellowknife, NT  X1A 1E2  telephone: (867) 444-0109, email :

Any objections raised must state the facts on which they are based and should include supporting information on safety, commerce and public benefit.

Cancels NW-A-0022-18
Areas affected by the message
Marine works - Shipping Safety Control Zone 13 - Clyde River
2023-05-31 03:36 UTC

Marine infrastructure construction is taking place in Clyde River.  Area is marked by 4 points and bounded by:

70 28.060N 068 36.033W

70 28.111N 068 35.627W

70 27.997N 068 35.423W

70 27.925N 068 35.801W

Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Belcher
2022-10-28 19:48 UTC

Shallower depth, 42 meters

Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Belcher
2022-10-28 19:47 UTC

Shallower depth, 27.6 meters

Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Belcher
2022-10-28 19:46 UTC

Shallower depth, 42 meters

Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Belcher
2022-10-28 19:45 UTC

Shallower depth, 42 meters

Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Belcher
2022-10-28 19:43 UTC

Shallower depth, 16.1 meters

Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Belcher
2022-10-28 19:42 UTC

Shallower depth, 18.3 meters

Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Belcher
2022-10-28 19:40 UTC

Shallower depth, 15.3 meters

Areas affected by the message
Waterway information - Belcher
2022-10-28 19:39 UTC

Shallower depth, 19.1 meters

Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
ID Date Title Areas Charts Description
Areas affected by the message
78° 19.047'N 074° 48.002'W
2023-09-20 15:04 UTC Obstruction Shipping Safety Control Zone 6 7071(ARPHOT), 7071(ARPHOT), 7302(NAD83)

Subsurface scientific mooring deployed in 78 19.047N 074 48.002W, top of mooring 569m.

Areas affected by the message
82° 08.370'N 061° 13.570'W
2023-09-14 14:26 UTC Obstruction Shipping Safety Control Zone 3 7072(ARPHOT), 7072(ARPHOT), 7304(NAD27)

Subsurface scientific mooring established. Depth of 485m. Top float at 320m.

Areas affected by the message
81° 32.330'N 064° 57.220'W (AF-23)
2023-09-13 14:48 UTC Obstruction Shipping Safety Control Zone 3 7072(ARPHOT), 7072(ARPHOT), 7304(NAD27)

Subsurface scientific mooring established. Depth of 140m.

Areas affected by the message
59° 03.025'N 066° 21.950'W
2023-09-13 12:18 UTC Waterway information Ungava 5373

Shallower depth, 32.6 meters

Cancels NW-A-0161-23
Areas affected by the message
72° 52.890'N 075° 38.870'W
2023-09-02 16:36 UTC Obstruction Shipping Safety Control Zone 13 7566(NAD83)

Subsurface scientific mooring deployed in 72 52.89N 075 38.87W. Top of mooring 197m.

Areas affected by the message
69° 46.406'N 134° 24.070'W
2023-08-14 18:39 UTC Aids to Navigation Beaufort Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 7662(NAD83), 7663(NAD83)

Racon X-band Out of service.

Aids: Pullen Island light LL 2503
Areas affected by the message
60° 27.683'N 061° 15.899'W (HiBio-23)
2023-08-10 21:49 UTC Obstruction Northwest Labrador Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 15 8046

Subsurface scientific mooring deployed. Top of mooring 391m.

Cancels NW-A-0098-23
Areas affected by the message
67° 57.342'N 060° 38.198'W (C4-2023)
2023-08-08 16:22 UTC Obstruction Shipping Safety Control Zone 9 7052(NAD83)

Subsurface scientific mooring established. Depth of 490m.

Areas affected by the message
63° 59.612'N 094° 18.112'W
63° 59.613'N 094° 18.083'W
63° 59.615'N 094° 18.049'W
2023-07-19 21:31 UTC Waterway information Arctic - Ice Breaker Point (Chesterfield Narrows) 5625(WGS84)

Shoals located at:

63 59.612N 094 18.112W, 5.1 meters

63 59.613N 094 18.083W, 5.1 meters

63 59.6152N 094 18.049W, 5.1 meters

Areas affected by the message
68° 17.600'N 134° 25.550'W
2023-06-30 21:18 UTC Aids to Navigation Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 - Horseshoe Bend 6428(NAD83), 6429(NAD83), 6436(NAD83)


Aids: Mile 969.4 front unlit range facing downstream
Cancels NW-H-0073-23
Areas affected by the message
69° 31.824'N 139° 13.171'W
2023-06-21 00:13 UTC Waterway information Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 - Herschel Island 7661(NAD27)

The waters in Workboat Passage, between Herschel Island and the Yukon coast, could be shallower than charted.  Mariners should not rely on any of the four ranges located on Herschel island, and should use caution in the area.

The Coast Guard is seeking input from mariners as to the usefulness of some of the aids to navigation located in the Workboat Passage area, more specifically the four unlit ranges located in the area, as well as the Avadlek Spit north daymark, the Avadlek spit south daymark and the Calton point # 1 daymark.  

Comments should be directed to: Rashaad Bhamjee, Superintendent Navigational Programs, Canadian Coast Guard, Arctic Region, 301-5204 50 Ave, Yellowknife, NT  X1A 1E2  telephone: (867) 444-0109, email :

Any objections raised must state the facts on which they are based and should include supporting information on safety, commerce and public benefit.

Cancels NW-A-0022-18
Areas affected by the message
70° 28.023'N 068° 35.726'W
Pt 1: 70° 28.060'N 068° 36.033'W
Pt 2: 70° 28.111'N 068° 35.627'W
Pt 3: 70° 27.997'N 068° 35.423'W
Pt 4: 70° 27.925'N 068° 35.801'W
2023-05-31 03:36 UTC Marine works Shipping Safety Control Zone 13 - Clyde River 7212(WGS84)

Marine infrastructure construction is taking place in Clyde River.  Area is marked by 4 points and bounded by:

70 28.060N 068 36.033W

70 28.111N 068 35.627W

70 27.997N 068 35.423W

70 27.925N 068 35.801W

Areas affected by the message
55° 33.704'N 077° 40.463'W
2022-10-28 19:48 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5707(NAD27)

Shallower depth, 42 meters

Areas affected by the message
55° 35.118'N 077° 38.360'W
2022-10-28 19:47 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5707(NAD27)

Shallower depth, 27.6 meters

Areas affected by the message
55° 35.299'N 077° 39.072'W
2022-10-28 19:46 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5707(NAD27)

Shallower depth, 42 meters

Areas affected by the message
55° 23.895'N 077° 48.098'W
2022-10-28 19:45 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5476

Shallower depth, 42 meters

Areas affected by the message
55° 22.591'N 077° 47.781'W
2022-10-28 19:43 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5476

Shallower depth, 16.1 meters

Areas affected by the message
57° 27.203'N 076° 51.651'W
2022-10-28 19:42 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5505(WGS84), 5705

Shallower depth, 18.3 meters

Areas affected by the message
57° 27.739'N 076° 51.912'W
2022-10-28 19:40 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5505(WGS84), 5705

Shallower depth, 15.3 meters

Areas affected by the message
57° 29.176'N 076° 55.331'W
2022-10-28 19:39 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5505(WGS84), 5705

Shallower depth, 19.1 meters

Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
ID Date Title Areas Charts Description
NW-A-0177-23 2023-09-20 15:04 UTC Obstruction Shipping Safety Control Zone 6 7071(ARPHOT), 7071(ARPHOT), 7302(NAD83)

Subsurface scientific mooring deployed in 78 19.047N 074 48.002W, top of mooring 569m.

NW-A-0165-23 2023-09-14 14:26 UTC Obstruction Shipping Safety Control Zone 3 7072(ARPHOT), 7072(ARPHOT), 7304(NAD27)

Subsurface scientific mooring established. Depth of 485m. Top float at 320m.

NW-A-0163-23 2023-09-13 14:48 UTC Obstruction Shipping Safety Control Zone 3 7072(ARPHOT), 7072(ARPHOT), 7304(NAD27)

Subsurface scientific mooring established. Depth of 140m.

NW-A-0162-23 2023-09-13 12:18 UTC Waterway information Ungava 5373

Shallower depth, 32.6 meters

Cancels NW-A-0161-23
NW-A-0140-23 2023-09-02 16:36 UTC Obstruction Shipping Safety Control Zone 13 7566(NAD83)

Subsurface scientific mooring deployed in 72 52.89N 075 38.87W. Top of mooring 197m.

NW-A-0110-23 2023-08-14 18:39 UTC Aids to Navigation Beaufort Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 7662(NAD83), 7663(NAD83)

Racon X-band Out of service.

Aids: Pullen Island light LL 2503
NW-A-0099-23 2023-08-10 21:49 UTC Obstruction Northwest Labrador Sea, Shipping Safety Control Zone 15 8046

Subsurface scientific mooring deployed. Top of mooring 391m.

Cancels NW-A-0098-23
NW-A-0096-23 2023-08-08 16:22 UTC Obstruction Shipping Safety Control Zone 9 7052(NAD83)

Subsurface scientific mooring established. Depth of 490m.

NW-A-0057-23 2023-07-19 21:31 UTC Waterway information Arctic - Ice Breaker Point (Chesterfield Narrows) 5625(WGS84)

Shoals located at:

63 59.612N 094 18.112W, 5.1 meters

63 59.613N 094 18.083W, 5.1 meters

63 59.6152N 094 18.049W, 5.1 meters

NW-H-0074-23 2023-06-30 21:18 UTC Aids to Navigation Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081, Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 - Horseshoe Bend 6428(NAD83), 6429(NAD83), 6436(NAD83)


Aids: Mile 969.4 front unlit range facing downstream
Cancels NW-H-0073-23
NW-A-0024-23 2023-06-21 00:13 UTC Waterway information Shipping Safety Control Zone 12 - Herschel Island 7661(NAD27)

The waters in Workboat Passage, between Herschel Island and the Yukon coast, could be shallower than charted.  Mariners should not rely on any of the four ranges located on Herschel island, and should use caution in the area.

The Coast Guard is seeking input from mariners as to the usefulness of some of the aids to navigation located in the Workboat Passage area, more specifically the four unlit ranges located in the area, as well as the Avadlek Spit north daymark, the Avadlek spit south daymark and the Calton point # 1 daymark.  

Comments should be directed to: Rashaad Bhamjee, Superintendent Navigational Programs, Canadian Coast Guard, Arctic Region, 301-5204 50 Ave, Yellowknife, NT  X1A 1E2  telephone: (867) 444-0109, email :

Any objections raised must state the facts on which they are based and should include supporting information on safety, commerce and public benefit.

Cancels NW-A-0022-18
NW-A-0010-23 2023-05-31 03:36 UTC Marine works Shipping Safety Control Zone 13 - Clyde River 7212(WGS84)

Marine infrastructure construction is taking place in Clyde River.  Area is marked by 4 points and bounded by:

70 28.060N 068 36.033W

70 28.111N 068 35.627W

70 27.997N 068 35.423W

70 27.925N 068 35.801W

NW-A-0177-22 2022-10-28 19:48 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5707(NAD27)

Shallower depth, 42 meters

NW-A-0176-22 2022-10-28 19:47 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5707(NAD27)

Shallower depth, 27.6 meters

NW-A-0175-22 2022-10-28 19:46 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5707(NAD27)

Shallower depth, 42 meters

NW-A-0174-22 2022-10-28 19:45 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5476

Shallower depth, 42 meters

NW-A-0173-22 2022-10-28 19:43 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5476

Shallower depth, 16.1 meters

NW-A-0172-22 2022-10-28 19:42 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5505(WGS84), 5705

Shallower depth, 18.3 meters

NW-A-0171-22 2022-10-28 19:40 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5505(WGS84), 5705

Shallower depth, 15.3 meters

NW-A-0170-22 2022-10-28 19:39 UTC Waterway information Belcher 5505(WGS84), 5705

Shallower depth, 19.1 meters

Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
ID Date Charts Title
NW-A-0177-23 2023-09-20 15:04 UTC 7071(ARPHOT), 7071(ARPHOT), 7302(NAD83) Obstruction

Subsurface scientific mooring deployed in 78 19.047N 074 48.002W, top of mooring 569m.

NW-A-0165-23 2023-09-14 14:26 UTC 7072(ARPHOT), 7072(ARPHOT), 7304(NAD27) Obstruction

Subsurface scientific mooring established. Depth of 485m. Top float at 320m.

NW-A-0163-23 2023-09-13 14:48 UTC 7072(ARPHOT), 7072(ARPHOT), 7304(NAD27) Obstruction

Subsurface scientific mooring established. Depth of 140m.

NW-A-0162-23 2023-09-13 12:18 UTC 5373 Waterway information

Shallower depth, 32.6 meters

Cancels NW-A-0161-23
NW-A-0140-23 2023-09-02 16:36 UTC 7566(NAD83) Obstruction

Subsurface scientific mooring deployed in 72 52.89N 075 38.87W. Top of mooring 197m.

NW-A-0110-23 2023-08-14 18:39 UTC 7662(NAD83), 7663(NAD83) Aids to Navigation

Racon X-band Out of service.

Aids: Pullen Island light LL 2503
NW-A-0099-23 2023-08-10 21:49 UTC 8046 Obstruction

Subsurface scientific mooring deployed. Top of mooring 391m.

Cancels NW-A-0098-23
NW-A-0096-23 2023-08-08 16:22 UTC 7052(NAD83) Obstruction

Subsurface scientific mooring established. Depth of 490m.

NW-A-0057-23 2023-07-19 21:31 UTC 5625(WGS84) Waterway information

Shoals located at:

63 59.612N 094 18.112W, 5.1 meters

63 59.613N 094 18.083W, 5.1 meters

63 59.6152N 094 18.049W, 5.1 meters

NW-H-0074-23 2023-06-30 21:18 UTC 6428(NAD83), 6429(NAD83), 6436(NAD83) Aids to Navigation


Aids: Mile 969.4 front unlit range facing downstream
Cancels NW-H-0073-23
NW-A-0024-23 2023-06-21 00:13 UTC 7661(NAD27) Waterway information

The waters in Workboat Passage, between Herschel Island and the Yukon coast, could be shallower than charted.  Mariners should not rely on any of the four ranges located on Herschel island, and should use caution in the area.

The Coast Guard is seeking input from mariners as to the usefulness of some of the aids to navigation located in the Workboat Passage area, more specifically the four unlit ranges located in the area, as well as the Avadlek Spit north daymark, the Avadlek spit south daymark and the Calton point # 1 daymark.  

Comments should be directed to: Rashaad Bhamjee, Superintendent Navigational Programs, Canadian Coast Guard, Arctic Region, 301-5204 50 Ave, Yellowknife, NT  X1A 1E2  telephone: (867) 444-0109, email :

Any objections raised must state the facts on which they are based and should include supporting information on safety, commerce and public benefit.

Cancels NW-A-0022-18
NW-A-0010-23 2023-05-31 03:36 UTC 7212(WGS84) Marine works

Marine infrastructure construction is taking place in Clyde River.  Area is marked by 4 points and bounded by:

70 28.060N 068 36.033W

70 28.111N 068 35.627W

70 27.997N 068 35.423W

70 27.925N 068 35.801W

NW-A-0177-22 2022-10-28 19:48 UTC 5707(NAD27) Waterway information

Shallower depth, 42 meters

NW-A-0176-22 2022-10-28 19:47 UTC 5707(NAD27) Waterway information

Shallower depth, 27.6 meters

NW-A-0175-22 2022-10-28 19:46 UTC 5707(NAD27) Waterway information

Shallower depth, 42 meters

NW-A-0174-22 2022-10-28 19:45 UTC 5476 Waterway information

Shallower depth, 42 meters

NW-A-0173-22 2022-10-28 19:43 UTC 5476 Waterway information

Shallower depth, 16.1 meters

NW-A-0172-22 2022-10-28 19:42 UTC 5505(WGS84), 5705 Waterway information

Shallower depth, 18.3 meters

NW-A-0171-22 2022-10-28 19:40 UTC 5505(WGS84), 5705 Waterway information

Shallower depth, 15.3 meters

NW-A-0170-22 2022-10-28 19:39 UTC 5505(WGS84), 5705 Waterway information

Shallower depth, 19.1 meters

Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.
Showing results 41 to 60, from 165 total results.

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