NAVWARN details

ID NW-Q-0465-23
Date 2023-05-10 07:55 UTC To 2023-05-10 18:13 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Waterway information - Calculation of under-keel clearance
Reference NW-Q-1491-22
Reference NW-Q-1353-22
Cancelled by NW-Q-0468-23
Areas Montréal to Trois-Rivières
Categories Waterway Information (Other)

Canadian Hydrographic Service water level stations providing data used to calculate under keel clearance for the St. Lawrence River out of service.

Position 45° 47.287'N 073° 20.935'W
45° 56.548'N 073° 12.668'W
45° 37.806'N 073° 29.340'W
Charts 1310(NAD83), 1310(NAD83), 1311(NAD83), 1350(NAD83)

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