NAVWARN details

ID NW-P-1656-24
Date 2024-10-14 04:04 UTC To 2024-10-17 20:44 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Marine works - Cable Maintenance
Cancelled by NW-P-1691-24
Areas Queen Charlotte Strait
Categories Cable Laying Operations

Cable Maintenance operations in Alert Bay from 50 34.883N 126 56.983W to 50 34.650N 126 55.417W.

Hours of operation daily from 1400-0200 UTC Oct 14th to Oct 19th.

Vessel Gitga’at Transporter monitoring VHF CH. 80

Mariners to stay back 100 meters from cable lay vessel.

    Pt 1: 50° 34.883'N 126° 56.983'W
    Pt 2: 50° 34.650'N 126° 55.417'W
50° 34.883'N 126° 56.983'W
50° 34.650'N 126° 55.417'W
Charts 3546(NAD83)

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