NAVWARN details
Navigational Warnings (NAVWARNs) replace Notices to Shipping (NOTSHIPs) and shall be construed as Notices to Shipping
ID | NW-P-1459-24 |
Date | 2024-09-06 20:17 UTC To 2024-09-06 22:52 UTC |
Status | Cancelled |
Title | Waterway information |
Cancelled by | NW-P-1463-24 |
Areas |
Fraser River |
Categories |
Waterway Information (Other) |
Description | Vessels transiting the downstream draw of the Patullo Bridge are required to call 60 minutes before and again 30 minutes before transiting due to bridge construction. Contact C35406BC on VHF CH 74 to arrange transit Hours of operation daily 1300 UTC until 0900 UTC daily September 6 until September 10 Caution |
Position | 49° 12.300'N 122° 53.320'W |
Charts | 3489(NAD83), 3490(WGS84) |
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