NAVWARN details

ID NW-N-0613-24
Date 2024-06-17 14:53 UTC
Status Published
Title Ice Control Zone Deactivated
Cancels NW-N-0069-24
Areas Arctic
Shipping Safety Control Zone 15
Categories Ice Control Zone Deactivated

The following area has been deactivated and is no longer an ice control zone: 

Ice Control Zone Tango.

Mariners are advised to exercise caution as icebergs and sea ice may still be encountered.

All laden oil tankers and ships carrying chemicals in bulk should comply with Transport Canada's TP 15163 of the Joint Industry - Government guidelines.

Centroid : 56° 07.196'N 056° 30.987'W
    Pt 1: 60° 00.000'N 064° 17.810'W
    Pt 2: 60° 00.000'N 056° 37.912'W
    Pt 3: 59° 29.492'N 056° 01.822'W
    Pt 4: 58° 57.062'N 055° 33.523'W
    Pt 5: 58° 33.691'N 055° 18.811'W
    Pt 6: 58° 10.095'N 055° 10.077'W
    Pt 7: 57° 53.516'N 054° 59.200'W
    Pt 8: 57° 25.393'N 053° 21.642'W
    Pt 9: 56° 47.358'N 052° 14.735'W
    Pt 10: 56° 14.262'N 051° 39.798'W
    Pt 11: 55° 37.243'N 051° 17.222'W
    Pt 12: 54° 47.799'N 050° 26.005'W
    Pt 13: 53° 59.471'N 050° 04.224'W
    Pt 14: 53° 59.460'N 050° 04.229'W
    Pt 15: 53° 05.275'N 050° 05.206'W
    Pt 16: 52° 22.164'N 049° 52.682'W
    Pt 17: 52° 02.933'N 049° 21.526'W
    Pt 18: 52° 02.933'N 056° 26.951'W
    Pt 19: 53° 56.814'N 057° 20.059'W
    Pt 20: 55° 59.500'N 061° 30.710'W
    Pt 21: 57° 23.160'N 062° 17.399'W
Charts 5070(NAD83), 5070(NAD83), 5080(NAD83)

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