NAVWARN details

ID NW-M-1770-24
Date 2024-09-05 15:10 UTC To 2024-09-13 16:07 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Obstruction
Cancels NW-M-1397-24
Updates NW-M-1397-24
Cancelled by NW-M-1870-24
Areas Southwestern Shore
Categories Obstruction (Other)

Wave glider C34167NS transiting from: 

44 27.322N 063 30.103W to
44 23.837N 063 29.328W to
44 23.353N 063 26.006W to
44 23.665N 063 21.505W

The wave glider is remotely operated, moving at a speed of approximately 1.5 knots and measuring 3.048 metres by 0.762 metres. Wave glider C34167NS is copper in colour and equiped with a non-transmitting AIS receiver and a mast extending 0.914 metres above the surface of the water, supporting a solid white light and orange flag. For further information, authorities and mariners may contact Matthew Mar at 647-205-0828, or Liquid Robotics Wave Glider Operations Centre at +1 888-574-4574 or 408-636-4205.


    Pt 1: 44° 27.322'N 063° 30.103'W
    Pt 2: 44° 23.837'N 063° 29.328'W
    Pt 3: 44° 23.353'N 063° 26.006'W
    Pt 4: 44° 23.665'N 063° 21.505'W
Charts 4385(NAD83)

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