NAVWARN details

ID NW-C-2491-24
Date 2024-09-06 21:12 UTC To 2024-09-12 20:02 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Waterway information
Cancelled by NW-C-2549-24
Areas Donnacona to Beauport
Trois-Rivières to Donnacona
Vicinity Cap-Santé
Categories Shallow Depth Reported

Shallower depths located at:

46 38.890N  071 44.561W,  7.1 metres
46 38.751N  071 44.547W,  9.9 metres
46 38.260N  071 45.359W,  7.9 metres
46 38.311N  071 44.491W,  3.1 metres
46 38.259N  071 44.324W,  6.4 metres
46 39.235N  071 46.644W,  10.3 metres
46 39.338N  071 46.947W,  11.3 metres

Position 46° 38.890'N 071° 44.561'W
46° 38.751'N 071° 44.547'W
46° 38.260'N 071° 45.359'W
46° 38.311'N 071° 44.491'W
46° 38.259'N 071° 44.324'W
46° 39.235'N 071° 46.644'W
46° 39.338'N 071° 46.947'W
Charts 1314(NAD83)

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