NAVWARN details

ID NW-C-2038-22
Date 2022-11-26 02:32 UTC To 2024-06-01 18:08 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Obstruction
Cancelled by NW-C-1207-24
Areas Kingston to Cornwall
Vicinity Rockport
Categories Wreck

Privately maintained orange and white mooring buoys marking the shipwreck "Kinghorn" replaced by two white jugs at 44 22.62N 075 55.82W and 44 22.61N 075 55.84W

Position 44° 22.605'N 075° 55.840'W
44° 22.616'N 075° 55.820'W
Charts 1436(WGS84), 1437(WGS84)

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