NAVWARN details

ID NW-A-0232-24
Date 2024-08-27 14:28 UTC To 2024-08-27 14:28 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title MCTS
Cancels NW-A-0230-24
Referenced by NW-NAVAREAXVIII-0093-24
Referenced by NW-NAVAREAXVII-0088-24
Areas Arctic
Great Slave Lake
Categories MCTS VHF Services

Iqaluit MCTS. All local and long-distance telephone services located in Iqaluit (MCTS Operations (East) 867-979-5269, NORDREG Operations 867-979-5724 and MCTS Operations (West) 867-979-0310) resume normal operation 271420UTC Aug 2024.

Position 63° 43.867'N 068° 32.533'W

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