NAVWARN details

ID NW-A-0213-24
Date 2024-08-21 11:17 UTC To 2024-08-21 11:17 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Obstruction
Cancels NW-A-0108-22
Referenced by NW-NAVAREAXVIII-0099-24
Areas Shipping Safety Control Zone 13
Vicinity Barrow Strait (North)
Categories Scientific Moorings

Sub-surface scientific mooring deployed in 74 35.730N 091 08.050W at a depth of 162m, top of mooring 72m below the surface, mooring length 90m.

This mooring will remain deployed for at least two years.

The scientific mooring has been recovered.

Position 74° 35.730'N 091° 08.050'W
Charts 7527(NAD83), 7527(WGS84)

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