NAVWARN details

ID NW-A-0022-18
Date 2018-06-06 00:00 UTC To 2023-06-21 00:13 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Waterway information
Cancelled by NW-A-0024-23
Areas Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
Vicinity Herschel Island
Categories Shallow Depth Reported

The waters in Workboat Passage, between Herschel Island and the Yukon coast, could be shallower than charted.  Mariners should not rely on any of the four ranges located on Herschel island, and should use caution in the area.

The Coast Guard is seeking input from mariners as to the usefulness of some of the aids to navigation located in the Workboat Passage area, more specifically the four unlit ranges located in the area, as well as the Avadlek Spit north daymark, the Avadlek spit south daymark and the Calton point # 1 daymark.  

Comments should be directed to: Lise Richard, Superintendent Aids to Navigation and Waterways, Canadian Coast Guard, Central & Arctic Region, 101, boulevard Champlain, Quebec, Québec G1K 7Y7 telephone : (418) 648-7450, email : 

Any objections raised must state the facts on which they are based and should include supporting information on safety, commerce and public benefit.

Position 69° 31.824'N 139° 13.171'W
Charts 7661(NAD27);  Horizontal positions are based on NAD83.

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