NAVWARN details

ID NW-A-0071-18
Date 2018-08-04 00:00 UTC To 2024-04-11 13:28 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Aids to Navigation
Referenced by NW-A-0110-23
Cancelled by NW-A-0029-24
Areas Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
Vicinity Pullen Island
Categories Lights & Fog Signals
Aids Pullen Island Light & Racon LL 2,503

Relocated to 69 46 24.382N 134 24 04.204W. Racon continues to show characteristic morse "G" as advertised. Light continues to show characteristic Fl6 as advertised.

Position 69° 46.436'N 134° 24.261'W
Charts 7662(NAD83), 7663(NAD83)

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