NAVWARN details

ID NW-M-0149-21
Date 2021-02-02 19:27 UTC
Status Published
Title Waterway information
Areas Chaleur - Miscou - south
Categories Survey Results

A sounding survey of the Maisonnette Channel in New Brunswick was completed by Public Services and Procurement Canada between August 12 – September 1, 2020. It was compared to Canadian Hydrographic Chart 4913 for Possible Hazards to Navigation.


Shallower depths have been found at the following locations:

Latitude                               Longitude                     CD Depth (m)

47 49 39.85702N                064 55 00.11167W                7.8

47 49 50.45238N                064 55 03.94727W                6.3

47 50 05.81351N                064 55 26.53712W                2.3

Note: ID #3: The 1.8m Maisonnette Ledge “shoal” has migrated 75m SE to a new depth of 2.3m

(There was no 1.8m depths within our 200m x 300m survey over the shoal shown on the chart)

47 50 26.12516N                064 55 00.43018W                5.6

A xyz of the data has been sent to CHS and CCG Waterways Aids to Navigation on 2021-01-29.

Note: All depths are referenced to CHS benchmark 88B9153 (Caraquet)

Elevation +4.294m above chart datum.

Position 47° 50.433'N 064° 55.000'W
    Pt 1: 47° 49.667'N 064° 55.000'W
    Pt 2: 47° 49.833'N 064° 55.067'W
Charts 4913(NAD83)

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