NAVWARN details

ID NW-P-0164-25
Date 2025-01-31 18:11 UTC To 2025-02-04 01:00 UTC
Status Published
Title Marine works - Cable maintenance
Areas Johnstone Strait
Categories Cable Laying Operations

Sub sea cable maintenance will take place off Chatham Pt Lighthouse, in the vicinity of 50 20.133N 125 27.217W and 50 20.000N 125 26.667W. 

Hours of operation 1600UTC to 0100UTC January 30 to February 4. 

Vessel Elimar monitoring VHF Channel 16. 

Mariners requested to stay back 100m from cable vessel. 


    Pt 1: 50° 20.133'N 125° 27.217'W
    Pt 2: 50° 20.045'N 125° 26.853'W
    Pt 3: 50° 20.000'N 125° 26.667'W
Charts 3539(NAD83), 3543(NAD83)

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