NAVWARN details

ID NW-C-1839-24
Date 2024-07-19 00:40 UTC
Status Published
Title Waterway information - Calculation of under-keel clearance
Cancels NW-Q-1491-22
Areas Montréal to Trois-Rivières
Categories Waterway Information (Other)

Canadian Coast Guard Marine Communications and Traffic Services have been using all Canadian Hydrographic Service water-level stations for the calculation of passage authorizations in the Sorel–Montreal sector of the navigational waterway, namely Sorel, Contrecoeur, Varennes, Montreal-Frontenac and Montreal-Jetty No. 1.

In light of the particular features of the navigational waterway in the portion between buoys M84 (downstream of the municipality of Verchères) and M11 (downstream of the Bellmouth curve), it was agreed to adjust upward the available water column by 10 cm in this portion.

The minimum water column in this portion of the navigational waterway as per the Contrecœur hydrographic station, obtained after adjustment, will be used for the calculation of under-keel clearance.

Position 45° 47.287'N 073° 20.935'W
45° 56.548'N 073° 12.668'W
Charts 1311(NAD83)

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