NAVWARN details

ID NW-P-1165-24
Date 2024-07-18 18:31 UTC To 2024-08-15 23:59 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Waterway information
Areas Strait of Georgia
Categories Waterway Information (Other)

Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) will be operating between Whyte Islet and Point Atkinson,  primarily off Batchelor Point

The AUV will be towed by the workboat Cellula Ranger

Hours of operator daily 1600 UTC to 2359 UTC July 18 until August 15th 

Cellula Ranger will monitor VHF CH 12 and 16


Minimum Wake

Position 49° 21.349'N 123° 16.505'W
    Pt 1: 49° 21.742'N 123° 17.499'W
    Pt 2: 49° 20.667'N 123° 18.216'W
    Pt 3: 49° 19.960'N 123° 18.172'W
    Pt 4: 49° 19.869'N 123° 16.311'W
Charts 3534(WGS84)

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