NAVWARN details

ID NW-C-1830-24
Date 2024-07-18 14:35 UTC
Status Published
Title Obstruction
Areas Lake of Bays
Vicinity Birkendale
Categories Obstruction (Other)

Approximately 30 metres of fixed washed out trees reported in the vicinity of Birkendale

Centroid : 45° 17.710'N 078° 58.429'W
    Pt 1: 45° 17.803'N 078° 58.528'W
    Pt 2: 45° 17.736'N 078° 58.441'W
    Pt 3: 45° 17.719'N 078° 58.327'W
    Pt 4: 45° 17.701'N 078° 58.320'W
    Pt 5: 45° 17.659'N 078° 58.375'W
    Pt 6: 45° 17.649'N 078° 58.466'W
    Pt 7: 45° 17.676'N 078° 58.477'W
    Pt 8: 45° 17.716'N 078° 58.464'W
    Pt 9: 45° 17.790'N 078° 58.554'W
Charts 6023(NAD27);  Horizontal positions are based on NAD83.

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