NAVWARN details

ID NW-A-0120-24
Date 2024-07-16 18:12 UTC
Status Published
Title Aids to Navigation
Cancels NW-A-0110-24
Areas Beaufort Sea
Point Separation mile 913 to Kittigazuit Bay mile 1081
Shipping Safety Control Zone 12
Categories Lights & Fog Signals
Aids Mile 1065.3 front range facing upstream
Mile 1065.3 rear range facing upstream

Mile 1065.3 front range facing upstream, permanently relocated to 69 15.877N 134 05.579W, operating properly.

Mile 1065.3 rear range facing upstream, permanently relocated to 69 15.884N 134 05.524W, operating properly.

Position 69° 15.877'N 134° 05.579'W
69° 15.877'N 134° 05.524'W
Charts 6431(NAD83)

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