NAVWARN details

ID NW-P-0840-24
Date 2024-06-03 14:11 UTC To 2024-12-01 08:00 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Waterway information - Interim Sanctuary Zones
Areas Strait of Georgia
Categories Waterway Information (Other)

Effective 010001UTC JUN 1 2024, to comply with the Interim Order for the Protection of Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) in the Waters of Southern British Columbia, 2024, vessels must not operate or navigate within the two Interim Sanctuary Zones, specifically those waters off South Eastern Saturna Island and South Western Pender Island, with the coordinates listed in Schedule 2 of the Interim Order. The Interim Sanctuary Zones are in effect until November 30th, 2024.


Details of vessels excepted from the Interim Sanctuary Zone prohibitions are described in Sections 7(2) and 8(2) of the Interim Order. 


Failure to comply with the Interim Order for the Protection of the Killer Whales in the Waters of Southern British Columbia, 2024 could lead to enforcement action, including fines.


Further details are available at Transport Canada’s website or upon request from a Marine Communications and Traffic Services Centre

Centroid : 48° 45.066'N 123° 16.818'W (Interim Sanctuary Zones Pender Island)
    Pt 1: 48° 45.817'N 123° 19.300'W
    Pt 2: 48° 46.217'N 123° 18.867'W
    Pt 3: 48° 44.167'N 123° 13.917'W
    Pt 4: 48° 44.153'N 123° 15.517'W
    Pt 5: 48° 45.817'N 123° 19.300'W
Centroid : 48° 46.816'N 123° 03.615'W (Interim Sanctuary Zones Saturna Island)
    Pt 1: 48° 47.150'N 123° 02.733'W
    Pt 2: 48° 47.367'N 123° 02.915'W
    Pt 3: 48° 47.617'N 123° 02.783'W
    Pt 4: 48° 47.473'N 123° 01.975'W
    Pt 5: 48° 46.558'N 123° 03.147'W
    Pt 6: 48° 46.333'N 123° 03.805'W
    Pt 7: 48° 46.350'N 123° 05.150'W
    Pt 8: 48° 46.683'N 123° 05.150'W
    Pt 9: 48° 47.150'N 123° 02.733'W
Charts 3441(NAD83), 3477(NAD27);  Horizontal positions are based on NAD83.

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