NAVWARN details

ID NW-P-0835-24
Date 2024-06-02 20:40 UTC
Status Published
Title Aids to Navigation
Areas Strait of Georgia
Categories Buoys
Aids Point Fairfax light LL 254.5

Permanently changed from white cylindrical tower, focal height 8.8m, nominal range 7NM, FI(3) W 12s – FI 0.5s Ec 2s;  FI 0.5s EC 2s; FI 0.5s Ec 6.5s to a White square skeleton tower, focal height 9.9m, FI(3) W 12s – FI 0.5s Ec 2s; FI 0.5s EC 2s; FI 0.5s Ec 6.5s. 

Position 48° 41.951'N 123° 17.921'W
Charts 3479(NAD83)

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