NAVWARN details

ID NW-M-0337-24
Date 2024-03-13 19:05 UTC
Status Published
Title Waterway information
Areas Lurcher
Vicinity Yarmouth Harbour
Categories Shallow Depth Reported

Shallower depths have been identified in an area bounded by:

43 50.406N 066 07.459W

43 50.294N 066 07.225W

43 48.463N 066 08.637W

43 48.677N 066 08.911W

Shallower depths located at:

LatitudeLongitudeDepth (in Metres)
43 48.671N 066 08.788W 5.1
LatitudeLongitudeDepth (in Metres)
43 49.068N 066 08.452W 2.4
LatitudeLongitudeDepth (in Metres)
43 49.116N 066 08.220W 3.1
LatitudeLongitudeDepth (in Metres)
43 49.422N 066 08.127W 2.1
LatitudeLongitudeDepth (in Metres)
43 49.463N 066 08.082W 5.8
LatitudeLongitudeDepth (in Metres)
43 49.660N 066 07.912W 5.6
LatitudeLongitudeDepth (in Metres)
43 49.689N 066 07.908W 2.4
LatitudeLongitudeDepth (in Metres)
43 49.780N 066 07.829W 2.3
LatitudeLongitudeDepth (in Metres)
43 49.832N 066 07.783W 1.8
LatitudeLongitudeDepth (in Metres)
43 49.864N 066 07.753W 2.0
LatitudeLongitudeDepth (in Metres)
43 49.949N 066 07.655W 5.5
LatitudeLongitudeDepth (in Metres)
43 50.184N 066 07.498W 2.9
LatitudeLongitudeDepth (in Metres)
43 50.173N 066 07.400W 3.3
LatitudeLongitudeDepth (in Metres)
43 50.266N 066 07.342W 2.8


The 2 meter contour to be unreliable as it has moved inward between:

43 49.169N 066 08.354W and 43 49.442N 066 08.112W. Inward shift 11 meters.

Position 43° 48.671'N 066° 08.788'W
43° 49.068'N 066° 08.452'W
43° 49.116'N 066° 08.220'W
43° 49.422'N 066° 08.127'W
43° 49.463'N 066° 08.082'W
43° 49.660'N 066° 07.912'W
43° 49.689'N 066° 07.908'W
43° 49.780'N 066° 07.829'W
43° 49.832'N 066° 07.783'W
43° 49.864'N 066° 07.753'W
43° 49.949'N 066° 07.655'W
43° 50.184'N 066° 07.498'W
43° 50.173'N 066° 07.400'W
43° 50.266'N 066° 07.342'W
Centroid : 43° 49.413'N 066° 08.095'W
    Pt 1: 43° 50.406'N 066° 07.459'W
    Pt 2: 43° 50.294'N 066° 07.225'W
    Pt 3: 43° 48.463'N 066° 08.637'W
    Pt 4: 43° 48.677'N 066° 08.911'W
Polyline (2 meter contour)
    Pt 1: 43° 49.169'N 066° 08.354'W
    Pt 2: 43° 49.442'N 066° 08.112'W
Charts 4245(NAD83)

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