NAVWARN details

ID NW-A-0007-24
Date 2024-01-29 15:43 UTC
Status Published
Title Aids to Navigation
Cancels NW-A-0144-19
Areas Ungava
Vicinity Hopes Advance Bay
Categories Aids to Navigation (Other)
Aids Colline Apex front range
Colline Apex rear range

The leading line, bearing 239 degrees as shown on ENC CA473413 is plotted up to 150 meters north of the true leading line.  Use caution while transiting the approaches to Hopes Advance Bay using ENC CA473413.

Position 59° 18.936'N 069° 39.447'W
59° 18.798'N 069° 39.899'W
Charts 5349(WGS84)

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