NAVWARN details

ID NW-P-0690-23
Date 2023-06-01 01:29 UTC To 2024-06-01 00:00 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Waterway information - Waters Subject to Approach Distance Prohibition
Areas Boundary Bay
Esquimalt Harbour
Fraser River
Fraser River - North Arm
Haro Strait
Howe Sound
Juan de Fuca Strait
Mainland South Coast Inlets
Sechelt Inlet - Jervis Inlet
Strait of Georgia
Vancouver Harbour
Victoria Harbour
Washington State - San Juan Islands
West Coast Vancouver Island South
Categories Waterway Information (Other)

Effective 010000UTC JUN 1 2023, to comply with the Interim Order for the Protection of Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) in the Waters of Southern British Columbia, 2023, vessels must not approach within a distance of 400m of a Killer Whale, nor position themselves such that the vessel is in the path of a killer whale  in Southern Resident Killer Whale critical habitat and British Columbia coastal waters east of Vancouver Island and south of Campbell River (Cape Mudge) and Ucluelet, including Barkley Sound (up to Port Alberni) and Howe Sound, with coordinates listed in Schedule 1 of the Interim Order. These prohibitions are in effect until May 31st, 2024.

Details of vessels excepted from the approach distance and positioning a vessel in the path prohibition are described in Sections 3(2), 4(2), 5(2) and 6(2) of the Interim Order. 

Failure to comply with the Interim Order for the Protection of the Killer Whales in the Waters of Southern British Columbia, 2023 could lead to enforcement action, including fines.

 Further details are available at Transport Canada’s website (Interim Order for the Protection of the Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) in the Waters of Southern British Columbia, 2023 (, or upon request from a Marine Communications and Traffic Services Centre.

Centroid : 48° 58.169'N 124° 24.575'W (Waters Subject to Approach Distance Prohibition)
    Pt 1: 50° 03.807'N 124° 50.610'W
    Pt 2: 49° 52.486'N 124° 33.903'W
    Pt 3: 49° 52.426'N 124° 33.912'W
    Pt 4: 49° 46.436'N 124° 16.815'W
    Pt 5: 49° 44.262'N 124° 13.260'W
    Pt 6: 49° 43.838'N 124° 12.572'W
    Pt 7: 49° 43.018'N 124° 11.228'W
    Pt 8: 49° 39.450'N 124° 05.148'W
    Pt 9: 49° 39.313'N 124° 04.355'W
    Pt 10: 49° 19.301'N 123° 08.888'W
    Pt 11: 49° 18.775'N 123° 08.882'W
    Pt 12: 49° 15.608'N 123° 12.755'W
    Pt 13: 49° 15.173'N 123° 16.247'W
    Pt 14: 49° 15.455'N 123° 16.795'W
    Pt 15: 49° 12.853'N 123° 13.338'W
    Pt 16: 49° 11.205'N 123° 12.225'W
    Pt 17: 49° 10.425'N 123° 10.023'W
    Pt 18: 49° 07.853'N 123° 12.037'W
    Pt 19: 49° 06.128'N 123° 19.335'W
    Pt 20: 49° 05.368'N 123° 19.342'W
    Pt 21: 49° 07.058'N 123° 11.647'W
    Pt 22: 49° 06.532'N 123° 11.232'W
    Pt 23: 49° 04.062'N 123° 09.410'W
    Pt 24: 49° 03.487'N 123° 08.493'W
    Pt 25: 49° 00.132'N 123° 05.460'W
    Pt 26: 48° 59.977'N 123° 18.224'W
    Pt 27: 48° 49.812'N 123° 00.619'W
    Pt 28: 48° 46.189'N 123° 00.536'W
    Pt 29: 48° 41.472'N 123° 16.054'W
    Pt 30: 48° 39.431'N 123° 16.044'W
    Pt 31: 48° 32.773'N 123° 13.368'W
    Pt 32: 48° 27.663'N 123° 09.661'W
    Pt 33: 48° 25.218'N 123° 06.470'W
    Pt 34: 48° 17.405'N 123° 14.384'W
    Pt 35: 48° 13.477'N 123° 32.496'W
    Pt 36: 48° 14.484'N 123° 41.193'W
    Pt 37: 48° 17.755'N 124° 00.494'W
    Pt 38: 48° 30.151'N 124° 48.053'W
    Pt 39: 48° 29.563'N 124° 59.907'W
    Pt 40: 48° 20.356'N 125° 23.230'W
    Pt 41: 48° 14.200'N 125° 44.500'W
    Pt 42: 48° 41.700'N 126° 17.783'W
    Pt 43: 48° 59.685'N 125° 40.152'W
    Pt 44: 48° 55.253'N 125° 32.517'W
    Pt 45: 48° 56.076'N 125° 31.372'W
    Pt 46: 49° 01.238'N 125° 02.383'W
    Pt 47: 48° 46.985'N 125° 12.587'W
    Pt 48: 48° 39.645'N 124° 49.205'W
    Pt 49: 48° 39.485'N 124° 48.648'W
    Pt 50: 48° 33.703'N 124° 27.812'W
    Pt 51: 48° 33.110'N 124° 25.742'W
    Pt 52: 49° 59.092'N 125° 13.390'W
    Pt 53: 50° 03.807'N 124° 50.610'W
Charts 3419(WGS84), 3441(NAD83), 3477(NAD27), 3606(NAD83);  Horizontal positions are based on NAD83.

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