NAVWARN details

ID NW-A-0122-22
Date 2022-09-26 15:56 UTC To 2022-11-25 20:50 UTC
Status Cancelled
Title Aids to Navigation
Cancels NW-A-0121-22
Cancelled by NW-A-0202-22
Referenced by NW-A-0148-22
Areas Shipping Safety Control Zone 11
Categories Buoys
Aids Cambridge Bay red conical buoy #2 2 LL 3069
Cambridge Bay red conical buoy #8 8 LL 3072
Cambridge Bay green can buoy #11 11 LL 3074
Cambridge Bay green can buoy #7 7 LL 3071

These buoys are now lit:

LL 3069 Cambridge Bay buoy # 2, changed to Flash red 0.5 second – Eclipse 3.5 seconds.

LL 3071 Cambridge Bay buoy # 7, changed to Flash green 0.5 second – Eclipse 3.5 seconds.

LL 3072 Cambridge Bay buoy # 8, changed to Flash red 0.5 second – Eclipse 3.5 seconds.

LL 3074 Cambridge Bay buoy # 11, changed to Flash green 0.5 second – Eclipse 3.5 seconds.

Position 69° 02.717'N 105° 05.200'W
69° 02.633'N 104° 59.383'W
69° 02.750'N 104° 58.800'W
69° 03.000'N 104° 58.867'W
Charts 7750(NAD83)

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