NAVWARN details

ID NW-N-0384-22
Date 2022-04-17 07:30 UTC
Status Published
Title Obstruction
Areas Northern Grand Banks
Categories Scientific Moorings


Subsurface scientific mooring in position 47 52.276N 047 10.671W extends from seabed to surface level and consists of a 0.9 meter spherical yellow surface marker with a yellow light sequence, flashing five times every 20 seconds. 

Vessels are requested to maintain a wide berth of at least 500 meters. Any fish harvesters who believe they have had gear damage as a result of operations are advised to contact Strat Canning at 462-3692 or 330-0701, or email address:


Position 47° 52.276'N 047° 10.671'W
Charts 8012(NAD83)

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